Monday, August 31, 2020

HOLY CRAP! Joe Biden’s “Big” Speech in Pittsburgh Today included About 7 Reporters Sitting in Circles in a Huge Open Building

This is absolutely stunning!
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden held a rally today in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
It was his first flight out of Delaware in weeks.

Only a few dozen bothered to come out to see him.
This was just stunning.

And then, although they branded today’s event as a “campaign stop” there was NO ONE in the building!

Only about 7 reporters.

Democratic presidential nominee former US Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event at Mill 19 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 31, 2020. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via (Getty Images)

Later today the media released this photo from the event.


Via Posobiec:

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from The Gateway Pundit

The Freedom Caucus is in charge of COVID-19 policy, and we're all going to die

Remember White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows when he was in the House Freedom Caucus and trying to oust then-House Speaker John Boehner? That led to Boehner's assessments of the Freedom Caucus: “They can’t tell you what they’re for. They can tell you everything they’re against. They’re anarchists. They want total chaos. Tear it all down and start over. That’s where their mindset is.” And on Meadows: “He’s an idiot. I can’t tell you what makes him tick.” Now that Meadows is in the White House and has apparently taken over coronavirus policy, he's an absolute danger to, well, everything.

It was Meadows who blew up negotiations with House Democrats for the next coronavirus relief package, having taken the reins from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who had been willing to work with Democrats to save the economy. The effort then was apparently to allow Trump to come up with his "executive orders" to make it look like he was sweeping in to save the day, though none of what are actually just memorandums are really doing much of anything. That doesn't matter to Trump or to Meadows, who is now blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for refusing to go along with his efforts to blow everything up.

Pelosi has already compromised more than necessary, coming down to $2 trillion from the $3 trillion the House had passed back in May for a relief package. The ensuing three and a half months of rampaging coronavirus and economic fallout argues for at least double that original amount, but the severity of the cliff millions of Americans were falling off with slashed unemployment insurance and an end to the eviction moratorium drove her to compromise. Meadows, however, is not someone who will compromise and who is an actual, malevolent force for doing absolutely nothing. Because if the government doesn't step in to help people, they'll have no choice but to either go back out in to the workforce (if they can find jobs) or starve. That's not an exaggeration. The administration is slapping restrictions on food aid, making states return to "normal" in providing SNAP benefits.

He's doing what Trump wants on economic policy, and he's got an ally in the new quack in the White House, Scott Atlas. The Washington Post reports that "Atlas meets with Trump almost every day, far more than any other health official, and inside the White House is viewed as aligned with the president and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on how to handle the outbreak, according to three senior administration officials." We already know that what Atlas wants, and Trump along with him, is a "herd immunity" policy, throwing the entire nation to the wolves.

Not providing expanded universal income, not providing aid to state and local government, cutting down on food, allowing people to be evicted, forcing schools to reopen, all of that is part and parcel of Trump's reelection campaign. He's bored with coronavirus. He wants to declare victory and move on. However many people die.

from Daily Kos

White House adviser Dan Scavino shares faked Biden video

White House director of social media and assistant to the president Dan Scavino Jr. sure loves his iPhone. You can see how much he loves it in the photo above, showing it to all of his friends with those cool tools. With Rep. Steve Scalise in trouble for sharing a faked video of activist Ady Barkan, you’d think that the White House would try to avoid the completely faked video market right now. Well, Scavino is aiming to prove that theory wrong.

This is fake. You know how I know? I was the coanchor in studio. We were interviewing Harry Belafonte.

— John Dabkovich (@JohnDabkovich) August 31, 2020

The White House’s social media guru took to social media to share something that had been completely manipulated. 

The anchor went on to post the original content without the changes:

— John Dabkovich (@JohnDabkovich) August 31, 2020

Twitter was nice enough to label the tweet as “manipulated.” The ask for money with a text location remained, however. 

That’s the Republican campaign in a nutshell, my friends. Faked videos. Fake messages. Fake candidates. The only thing that isn’t fake is the damage being done to democracy.

from Daily Kos

This isn’t an administration. It’s an ongoing criminal conspiracy.

submitted by /u/formeraide
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from Politics

Trump Defends Teen Vigilante Charged With Murdering Kenosha Protesters

Trump Defends Teen Vigilante Charged With Murdering Kenosha Protesters submitted by /u/realplayer16
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from Politics

Georgia Evangelical Couple: 'Our Conscience Won't Allow Us To Vote For Trump Again'

"We are among the significant number of evangelical Christians who will not vote for the president again,” Ryan and Katharine Hurlburt wrote in a powerful op-ed.

from Politics - U.S. Political News, Opinion and Analysis

Trump’s Secret Walter Reed Visit Was So Serious That Pence Was Preparing To Take Over Duties

Mike Pence was told to prepare for the president to undergo a procedure in which he wouldn't be able to carry out the duties of his office.


A Long History of Language That Incites and Demonizes

President Trump has employed provocative and sometimes incendiary words and images to focus attention on demonstrations and away from the human and economic costs of the pandemic.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics

CNN Reporter Demands President Trump Come Back and Answer Her Question as He Leaves Briefing Room (Video)

CNN reporter Kaitlin Collins demanded President Trump come back and answer her question as he left the briefing room Monday night following repeated attempts by Collins and other reporters to get Trump to criticize his supporters.

Collins initially sparred with Trump with her question, “You were just criticizing Joe Biden, saying he didn’t mention the far left or Antifa during his speech today. You said you wanted to talk about left wing political violence. But I notice you did not mention that your supporters were also in Portland this weekend firing paintball guns at people, some form of pepper spray, so do you want to also take this chance to condemn what your supporters did in Portland this weekend?”

As reported earlier by TGP, Trump told Collins it was “your supporters” who shot and killed a man in Portland this weekend.

A stung Collins tried to follow up when Trump finished, saying repeatedly as Trump ignored her and tried to call on anther reporter, “It was a supporter of yours, Mr. President. It was a supporter of yours, Mr. President. It was a supporter of yours, Mr. President who killed someone who’s accused of killing two people. It was a supporter of yours.”

The next reporter, CBS’ Wejia Jiang, asked Trump about Kyle Rittenhouse. TGP report on Trump’s answer here.

Trump answered that reporter’s follow-up on whether private citizens should be doing what they did in Kenosha by going on an extended defense of police and the stress they are under to make the right decision all the time in a short amounts of time.

Trump ended the press conference at that point and walked away. Collins, in a tone of voice that sounded like a petulant teenager who will not be ignored at the family dinner, demanded Trump come back and answer her question, “Mr. President I’d like to finish my question if you could come back please since you did not let me finish my question, Mr. President.”

Trump just kept on walking.

YouTube video cued to end of press conference:

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from The Gateway Pundit

New York Priest at Sunday Mass: ‘Do You Affirm that White Privilege is Unfair?… Will You Worship at the Alter of Racial Justice?” (Video)

For Sunday mass the priest at St. Xavier Catholic Church in New York City lectured his flock on “white privilege” and dismantling “white supremacy.”

During the prayer on Sunday at St. Xavier Catholic Church worshippers repeated the words of Father Kenneth Boller, who had adorned the alter with giant portraits of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery.

This was a strange sermon at a Catholic Church?!
Does New York Cardinal Dolan know about this?

Catholic Priest: Do you affirm that white privilege is unfair…will you commit to helping transform our church culture and worship daily at altar of “racial justice.”

Via Michelle Malkin:

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from The Gateway Pundit

Report: Biden in Catastrophic Trouble…Down 15 Points With Black Voters

Joe Biden is in deep political trouble.

He’s got a lot of fires burning at the moment…starting with the fact that he gambled on the “riots” taking down President Trump, and instead, the whole plan backfired and smacked him in the face with a shovel.

He’s now desperately trying to do “damage control” by blaming the rioting of his supporters on Trump.

What an idiotic strategy.

And the next fire COVID – as the panic fades, Biden’s 2nd big “talking point” is biting the dust.

And this comes after he just said that he’d shut the entire country down again and make everyone wear masks everywhere, even outside.

But here’s the worst news of all for Biden…

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Small Group of Biden Supporters Try to Get a “Joe Chant” Going, But Can’t Pull it Off

A new survey spells very, very bad news for Dementia Joe…the kind of bad news that, if true, will stop his campaign dead in its tracks.

The survey says that Biden has lost 15% of his black support…and without that, he mathematically speaking, can’t possibly win the White House.

From Washington Examiner 

The latest John Zogby Strategies/EMI Research Solutions poll, which was taken after last week’s Republican National Convention that featured several minority speakers, put Trump’s support from black voters at 20%. For Biden, it is at 75%.

For Trump, that is 12 points more than he received in 2016 and 9 points more than campaign officials believe he needs to keep the White House. One senior official recently told Secrets, “If it’s at 11%, then we win.”

The polling analysis suggested that the rioting in cities and Trump’s law and order stance could be driving more black voters into his camp and robbing Biden of votes from the Democratic Party’s most loyal base.

The analysis said, “Biden should be pleased with his support among Democrats, women, and Hispanics but a lead of 75%-20% among blacks can spell real trouble. A Democrat needs 90%+ and a high turnout among blacks. Could it be that Trump’s law and order message is hitting home among blacks who are worried about demonstrations getting out of control?

I was just chatting with mom earlier today (she’s a huge Trump supporter). and I told her, I have never seen such a poorly-run campaign. It’s almost shocking to watch unfold. You’re thinking the whole time, “are they really this stupid????”

I think what’s happened is that the left just got lost in the weeds with the radical fringe and they can’t see the forest through the trees. They’re just so out of touch with average Americans at this point, because their radical base represents nobody in middle America

Any way you slice it, they’re a political party in crisis. But we can’t count them out. If there’s one thing I know about Dems, they’ll do ANYTHING to win.

Stay alert, and vigilante, everyone.


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Collins bleeding support from Republicans in Maine, even former allies

It's a growing phenomenon: The never-Trumpers who are expanding their no-go list to include those Senate Republicans who are standing quietly by, watching Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell destroy everything nice. Here's another one of them, and it's going to raise Maine Sen. Susan Collins' fret level significantly. "Sadly, I can no longer support Senator Susan Collins," writes Mainer Jane Calderwood. "She has proven unwilling to stand up to the President and too enamored of political power to speak up for the good people of Maine. I am tired of hearing about how 'concerned' she is. These times demand strength and action and she has shown neither."

Fine, another letter to the editor about Collins. What's the big deal? The big deal is that Calderwood is a former longtime staffer, and eventual chief of staff, to Maine's other long-serving senator, Olympia Snowe. "Like my former boss," she writes, "I have always formed my views and opinions based on the individual issue and the facts, not the person or party pushing the issue." Unlike, she doesn't say even though her piece screams it, Susan Collins.

Your $3 contribution will help Sara Gideon get Collins out of the Senate!

Calderwood continues mostly bashing Trump, writing that she has joined the Lincoln Project’s Lincoln Women Coalition, "a group of current and former Republican women who are fed up with the civil unrest, blatant misogyny and failed leadership of Donald Trump over the last four years." As opposed to Collins, the current Republican woman who is enabling all of the above, Calderwood totally implies. "His unwillingness—or inability—I’m not sure which—to address the COVID-19 pandemic is unbelievable and unforgivable, and only one of many examples, though the most damaging to date, of his unwillingness to protect the American public.

"I’m tired of waiting for the current president to live up to his oath of office, and that is why I am a Lincoln Woman," Calderwood concludes. “And where is Collins?” is the unspoken question hanging over the piece. Not with the women in the Lincoln coalition, clearly.

from Daily Kos

Scared that Trump can come back to beat Biden? Good.

Scared that Trump can come back to beat Biden? Good. submitted by /u/hildebrand_rarity
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from Politics

It Turns Out the Troops Like Biden and Dislike Trump to the Same Degree Everyone Else Does

It Turns Out the Troops Like Biden and Dislike Trump to the Same Degree Everyone Else Does submitted by /u/TJ_SP
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from Politics

Poll finds a third of Americans think they handled COVID-19 better than Canada, and are also delusional

Poll finds a third of Americans think they handled COVID-19 better than Canada, and are also delusional submitted by /u/Seebeeeseh
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from Politics

Liberty University To Investigate Jerry Falwell Jr's Tenure As President

Officials said the wide-ranging inquiry will explore financial, real estate and legal matters related to its former president.

from Politics - U.S. Political News, Opinion and Analysis

Joe Biden Calls Trump ‘Weak’ And ‘Scared’ After He Refuses To Condemn MAGA Violence

What Trump did hours after Biden's speech – endorsing violence – was a gift to the Democratic nominee's campaign.


Trump Defends Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

Trump gave a defense of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse who murdered two people and injured one other in a mass shooting.


Trump Says he Spoke to Jacob Blake’s Family Pastor. Blake’s Father Says They Don’t Have a Pastor

When President’s speak to American families that are grieving, it is important that they show empathy. This has been a regularly difficult thing for Donald Trump to do. Earlier today, Kayleigh McEnany said that the President has unsuccessfully reached out to Jacob Blake’s family. When asked about Blake during a Monday press conference, Trump said …


A Teacher and Congresswoman Confronts School Reopenings

Representative Jahana Hayes, a former National Teacher of the Year, says that she has many concerns — and that parents need to make their voices heard.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics

Trump Fans Strife as Unrest Roils the U.S.

The president plans to visit to Kenosha, Wis., on Tuesday, unwelcome by officials in a state pivotal to the election, to condemn what he calls “left-wing mobs.”

from NYT > U.S. > Politics

President Trump on Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘He Was Trying to Get Away and They Violently Attacked Him… He Probably Would Have Been Killed’ (VIDEO)

President Trump on Monday was asked about Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who shot and killed two men and wounded a third in self defense during the Kenosha riots last week.

Rittenhouse was hit with 6 charges last week, including one count of first degree intentional homicide.

The President handled the “gotcha question” about Rittenhouse from the liberal reporter perfectly.

“He was trying to get away from them, I guess, it looks like and he fell and then they very violently attacked him,” Trump said. “It’s something that we’re looking at right now and it’s under investigation.”

Trump said the BLM-Antifa mob probably would have killed young Rittenhouse.

“I guess he was in very big trouble — he probably would have been killed,” Trump said.


President Trump is correct.

Kyle Rittenhouse shot 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum after Rosenbaum chased the teen, threw something at him and tried to take away his firearm.

According to the criminal complaint, the medical examiner found that Rosenbaum was shot in the groin, back and hand. He also suffered a superficial graze wound on his left thigh and a graze wound to the side of his head.

Rosenbaum was also a convicted sex offender involving a crime with a minor.

Joseph Rosenbaum

26-year-old Anthony Huber beat Kyle Rittenhouse with a skateboard before he was shot dead.

Rittenhouse was being chased by a BLM mob when he tripped and fell. At this point, Huber bashed him in the back of the head/neck with a skateboard. Rittenhouse defended himself and shot Huber in the chest. Huber immediately dropped and died.

Huber beats Rittenhouse with a skateboard

26-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz had his arm partially blown off after he aggressively rushed at 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who had just tripped and fallen while being chased by the BLM mob.

Grosskreutz had a gun in his hand when he ran up to Rittenhouse, so in self defense, the 17-year-old discharged his weapon, blew off part of Grosskreutz’s arm, saving his own life.

Rittenhouse was about to get a bullet to the head, but he acted quickly and shot Grosskreutz in self defense.


A friend of Gaige’s said that his only regret was not being able to kill 17-year-old Rittenhouse.

“So the kid shot gaige as he drew his weapon and gaige retreated with his gun in hand. I just talked to Gaige Grosskreutz too his only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag into him. Coward,” a friend of Grosskreutz wrote in a chat.

Gaige Grosskreutz

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from The Gateway Pundit

“Your Supporters, and They Are Your Supporters, Shot a Protester Not with Paint But with a Bullet” – EPIC! Trump Slaps Down Liberal CNN Hack on Portland Riots (VIDEO)

President Trump held a press conference with the White House press corps on Monday following Joe Biden’s botched speech on far left rioting in America.

For months Democrats have ignored the rioting and looting by leftists in numerous US cities.
It wasn’t until their poll numbers started dropping that Democrats finally started speaking out against the BLM-Antifa rioters.
And they blamed it all on Trump.

CNN’s Katilin Collins asked the president if he will condemn his violent supporters in Portland.
This comes after a BLM-Antifa terrorist shot dead a Trump supporter this weekend.
Only a liberal media hack would ask such a question.

President Trump dunked on the CNN hack linking the liberal media to the violent rioters!

President Donald Trump:  I understand there were large numbers of protesters who were my supporters but that was a peaceful protest.  And paint is a defensive mechanism.  Paint is not bullets.  Your supporters, and they are your supporters, shot a young gentleman, not with paint but with a bullet.   And I think it’s disgraceful.  These people they protested peacefully, they went in very peacefully.  I tell you what they’re protesting.  They turn on the television or are reading whatever they are reading  and see a city like Chicago where 78 people were shot and 13 died.  Or a city like New York where the crime rate has gone through the roof.  Or a city like Portland where the entire city are ablaze all the time and the mayor says, “We don’t want any help from the federal government.”   When these people turn it on and they say that this is not our country, this is not our country!

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from The Gateway Pundit

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump cannot be allowed to incite his way to reelection

Trump cannot be allowed to incite his way to reelection submitted by /u/TJ_SP
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from Politics

Owner of NHL “Dallas Stars” Says Teams Losing Season Ticket Holders Because of Their Support For Black Lives Matter

When the NHL season started it looked promising…It looked like the NHL were not going to go “woke,” and would become the nation’s new national past time.

But sadly, that didn’t happen.

Like all other sports franchises, the NHL ‘got woke’ and now they’re going broke.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Young NBA Players Have Turned on LeBron “King” James


The owner of the Dallas Stars says that since they started supporting Marxist organization “Black Lives Matter,” they’re losing support and customers.

Season ticket holders are cutting ties.

Per CEO Brad Alberts, the Dallas Stars have lost both individual and company accounts over the team’s participation in these protests in the name of Black Lives Matter.

But Alberts plans to “stay woke.” He won’t change his views on BLM even though he’s losing business – he’s even doubling down on plans to keep pushing for societal equality and justice for the Black community.

We’ll see how that works out for him…

From Daily Wire

According to a report, the president and CEO of the NHL’s Dallas Stars said the team has lost a number of season ticket holders because of the team’s support of Black Lives Matter and protests dealing with race.

Brad Alberts stated, “But we/I stand by our organization’s commitment and support our players 100% to express their views,” as the Dallas News reported.

On Thursday, at a news conference the NHL held in Edmonton with members of the Stars, Colorado Avalanche, Vegas Golden Knights and Vancouver Canuck, Jason Dickinson of the Stars spoke for the team with his teammates behind him. He said, “We were able to start a good conversation among our team stemming from that moment. That’s exactly what we wanted. We wanted to get the conversation going, not only amongst ourselves, but amongst the country and the world.”

Stars interim coach Rick Bowness added, “We’re all against the social injustice and racial discrimination that’s going on around the world. If our players think that this is the best way that they can support that, then they have our full support and we are proud of the stance that they have taken.”

I’ll tell you what – the one good thing that’s come of all this BLM Marxist garbage, is that Americans are learning that they can have amazing lives without sports.

Because these sports teams have zero respect for their fans.

Sports was the one escape from politics, but now, it’s just as bad as watching CNN.

If you haven’t cut the cord, please consider doing so. If we don’t take a stand and stop supporting the people who hate us and treat us poorly, it’ll never end.


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[VIDEO] Portland Police Bum-Rush an “Antifa Line” of Rioters “Brave Heart” Style by Running at Them Full-Speed

I have seen a lot of police riot videos over the past 3 months or so, but I gotta tell you, I have never seen anything like this one.

Clearly, the Portland police look like they’ve had just about enough of these Democrat rioters…same as the rest of the country…we’re sick and tired of the non-stop angst from teenagers whose parents live in suburban mansions.

These idiots wouldn’t know the first thing about “struggling.” If they weren’t living in flophouses with their fellow commies by choice, they’d be sipping lemonade on boat in front of their parent’s million-dollar lake houses.

MORE NEWS: WATCH: Voice Appears to Say “We got a Trumper Right Here” in Newly Released Video From Portland Shooting 

But as it stands now, they’ve lined up in the streets with their fellow “privileged bums” and are treating our police like dirt, destroying our cities, ruining small businesses, and injuring and even murdering innocent Americans.

And nowhere is that violence more prevalent than in liberal-run Portland.

But the cops made minced-meat of one group who formed a “line” in the street, with their make-shift shields.

As the communists stood there, refusing to obey police orders to move, the cops did something I was not expecting….they took off running full-force at the group “Brave Heart” style and literally clobbered them.

You can watch the video below:

I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for these police officers to face this night after night.

In Portland alone, this is like the 93rd day of conservative rioting.

And just last night, an innocent Trump supporter named Jay Bishop was hunted down by Antifa and murdered in the streets in cold blood.

This is Joe Biden’s army, and if he gets anywhere near the White House, this Army will be so emboldened, they’ll really start wreaking havoc on America.


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LA County Loses Court Battle with Grace Community Church — So County Sends Eviction Notice to the Church on Sunday

On August 12th Los Angeles County filed charges prohibiting Grace Community Church from holding religious services. But a local judge decided in favor of Grace Community Church to allow religious service if congregants wore face coverings and practiced social distancing.

Pastor John MacArthur said at the time that the church was meeting indoors because it was their constitutional right and that it was commanded by God for his people to come together in worship.

Factories, pot shots, liquor stores and department stores are allowed to stay open but not houses of worship.

County officials were outraged at the judge’s decision this week telling the LA Times, “It is deeply disappointing that the Court decided not to grant the County’s request for a temporary restraining order prohibiting Grace Community Church from holding indoor services.  We look forward to a favorable ruling when a full hearing is heard on the matter.”

County officials did not sit back after losing last week’s ruling.

On Sunday Los Angeles County sent a letter of eviction to Grace Community Church.

Los Angeles officials gave church officials 30 days to evacuate the premises.

The county broke their agreement that was in affect since at least 2001



Constitutional Law Attorney Jenna Ellis, Special Counsel to Thomas More Society,  released this statement on the eviction notice.

This is government tyranny.

“Los Angeles County is retaliating against Grace Community Church for simply exercising their constitutionally protected right to hold church and challenging an unreasonable, unlawful health order. In America, we have a judicial system to ensure that the executive branch does not abuse its power, and Grace Community Church has every right to be heard without fear of reprisal. The Democrats’ message to Americans is clear–if you do not bow to every whim of tyranny, the government will come after you. The Church has peacefully held this lease for 45 years and the only reason the County is attempting eviction is because John MacArthur stood up to their unconstitutional power grab. This is harassment, abusive, and unconscionable.”

As Attorney Ellis said, this is nothing more than harassment and abuse!

Here is the full eviction notice plus the contracts with the church that date back to 2001.

Los Angeles County Serves Eviction Notice to Grace Community Church by Jim Hoft on Scribd

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from The Gateway Pundit

St. Louis Police Officer Tamarris Bohannon and Father of Three Dies from Gunshot Wound to the Head After Responding to Shooting Call on Saturday #BlackPoliceLivesMatter

St. Louis Police Officer Tamarris L. Bohannon passed away on Sunday after he was shot on Saturday during a police call in South St. Louis.

Bohannon was shot in the head. Another officer was shot in the leg and later discharged from the hospital.
The shooter a 43-year-old man from Florida with a long criminal history was later arrested after a standoff with police.

Bohannon dedicated over three and a half years of service to the citizens of the City of St. Louis.

Black Police Lives Matter

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from The Gateway Pundit

Cartoon: Bad box

Something is off about that mailbox. 

from Daily Kos

Wisconsin governor urges Trump not to visit Kenosha: 'I am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing'

Wisconsin governor urges Trump not to visit Kenosha: 'I am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing' submitted by /u/wostil-poced1649
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from Politics

House Democrats say subpoena for Trump's financial records meets Supreme Court's requirements

House Democrats say subpoena for Trump's financial records meets Supreme Court's requirements submitted by /u/ColonelBy
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from Politics

Ex-Trump official: Trump calls people that disagree with him 'deep state'

Ex-Trump official: Trump calls people that disagree with him 'deep state' submitted by /u/DaFunkJunkie
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from Politics

CNN Contributor Posts Free Beacon Intern’s Private Information Online

While CNN’s latest motto is “Facts First,” a contributor to the Zucker collective further illustrated the network's juvenile approach to news when Yale University lecturer and former FBI agent Asha Rangappa doxed Alex Nester, an intern with our friends at the Washington Free Beacon. As a result, Nester's email and phone number were made public, leading to a deluge of harassment. Nester's supposed crime? She dared to email Rangappa to request comment on what was an astounding self-own as Rangappa trying to attack former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for both her Indian heritage (of which the two share), going by her middle name, and stating at the RNC that "America is not a racist country" As a result, Rangappa received a warning from Twitter for her repugnant smear against the recent Hillsdale College grad. Rangappa's began down the path toward the pit of misery when she condemned Haley for using her middle name instead of her first name “Nimrata.” But get this: Rangappa herself goes by her middle name. Nonetheless, the CNNer claimed that meant Haley “ditched her ethic-sounding name” in favor of a more common name to those not of Indian heritage, implying Haley was avoiding racism in this supposedly awful country. Writing a story for the Free Beacon about Rangappa going after Haley, Nester began receiving harassing messages after the CNN analyst tweeted out an email from Nester to her 630,000 followers. Here's an except of the email (minus her contact information): One of your senior law school lecturers, Asha Rangappa, implied in a tweet that America is racist because Nikki Haley, former UN ambassador, goes by her middle name instead of her first name, Nimrata. I was wondering if you had any comment on the matter -- specifically if you think this was an appropriate tweet for a professor who, according to this website, also goes by her middle name. Feel free to respond in a call or email. “So @FreeBeacon has now contacted my employer to BREAK THE STORY that I go by my middle name, just like Nikki,” Rangappa snarled. This “is the important news during the RNC (Feel free to respond to Alex.),” she stated sarcastically while including an image of the email. Haley responded by tweeting: “It is a disgrace that @CNN and @Yale promote someone who would bully & attack a 22-year old just because she rightly called out her error. I’m proud of @alexnester2020 for using the power of her voice & having courage to accurately report hypocrisy." Nester told's Brian Flood in a story about what took place that “I stand by my story, and my reporting speaks for itself, as does Asha's tweet." Haley responded by tweeting: “It is a disgrace that @CNN and @Yale promote someone who would bully & attack a 22-year old just because she rightly called out her error. I’m proud of @alexnester2020 for using the power of her voice & having courage to accurately report hypocrisy." The professor then angrily complained: “Twitter made me delete the tweet of the public-facing contact form I posted of the @FreeBeacon intern who presented herself as a reporter.” “Getting a Twitter warning felt like the first time I got detention as a senior in high school!” she added.

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Portland Shooting Amplifies Tensions in Presidential Race

A fatal shooting after clashes in Portland came on the heels of the shooting deaths of two people during confrontations in Kenosha, Wis., earlier in the week.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics

CNN and Twitter Target President Trump and The Gateway Pundit – Won’t Allow Us to Share the Actual COVID-19 Numbers from the CDC Website that Don’t Fit Their Narrative

CNN and Twitter are at it again. Today CNN slandered President Trump and the Gateway Pundit and encouraged Twitter to take down a tweet based on CDC data that the President retweeted. 

CNN and Twitter don’t want Americans to know the full truth about COVID-19.

Last night we posted an article about COVID-19 – SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses

The gist of the article is that COVID-19 is not nearly as deadly as first projected by the WHO and then by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx.  Based on CDC numbers this past week only 6% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 were instances where the only factor in the individual’s death was due to COVI9-19.

From the CDC website.

For all the other deaths reported by the CDC linked to COVID-19, the individuals who passed away had 2-3 other serious illnesses or co-morbidities.  This comes from actual data from the CDC and was tweeted by Mel Q on Twitter.

Mel Q shared a calculation which showed that 6% of all COVID-19 deaths as reported by the CDC was only 9,201 deaths. 

Only 9,201 people died in the US this year where COVID-19 was their only cause of death.

We used Mel Q’s tweet in our report and the President of the United States retweeted Mel Q’s tweet as well.

But today Twitter took down the tweet.  They notified Mel Q that the tweet that used actual CDC data “violated their policy on misleading information about COVID-19.”  Her account was suspended from posting for 12 hours.

Next CNN wrote an article about this calculation, the President’s retweet and our article entitled – Twitter removes QAnon supporter’s false claim about coronavirus death statistics that Trump had retweeted

They also tweeted out their work:

Of course they never approached us about their garbage post.  Here is what CNN reported:

Twitter on Sunday took down a tweet containing a false claim about coronavirus death statistics that was made by a supporter of the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory — a post that President Donald Trump had retweeted earlier in the day.

The tweet — which has been replaced with a message saying, “This Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules — from “Mel Q,” copied from someone else’s Facebook post, claimed that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had “quietly” updated its numbers “to admit that only 6%” of people listed as coronavirus deaths “actually died from Covid,” since “the other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses.”
That’s not what the CDC said.
As of Sunday at 4 p.m. ET, Twitter had not removed a second tweet, also retweeted by the President on Sunday, that spread the same false claim. The second tweet, by Trump campaign adviser Jenna Ellis, linked to an article on the right-wing website Gateway Pundit that was based on the QAnon supporter’s tweet.

In CNN’s very first sentence they make a false premise.  CNN claims Mel Q’s tweet was false but that is not true – it’s based on actual CDC data from the CDC website.

CNN then makes another false statement claiming the CDC said something other that what the CDC actually reported.

And in their third paragraph CNN claims our post and tweet about the topic is false as well.

Next CNN uses liberal logic and assumptions as the basis for why Mel Q’s tweet and our post are incorrect.

CNN reported:

The CDC’s latest regular update to a public statistics page on the pandemic — there was nothing especially “quiet” about it — said that for 6% of the deaths included in its statistics, “Covid-19 was the only cause mentioned” on the deceased person’s death certificate.
That is not at all the same thing as saying only 6% of reported Covid-19 deaths “actually died” from Covid-19. It simply means that the other 94% were listed as having at least one additional factor contributing to their death.

CNN makes the assumption that we were saying none of the other 94% of deaths classified as COVID-19 deaths were not COVID-19 related deaths.  That is not what we said.  What we did say is that only 9,201 deaths were related only to COVID-19.

CNN then makes that broad statement that 94% of the deaths listed had at least one additional factor.  This is true but the CDC is clear that the average number of other issues (co-morbidities) related to the deaths they counted as COVID-19 deaths is 2.6 – meaning most people who died had closer to three other “conditions or causes” related to their death.

CNN then finishes with this baseless statement:

The CDC told CNN in July that Covid-19 will end up as a Top 10 cause of death for 2020. The final ranking from the CDC will be based on death certificates for the calendar year.

This statement has nothing to do with our article or Mel Q’s tweet and actually supports what we are saying.  If the CDC continues count COVID-19 deaths and then add thousands of  additional deaths to their numbers which they assume were related to COVID-19, then COVID-19 will be one of the top 10 causes of deaths in the US this year.

To be fair, the CDC has done a horrible job with their reporting related to COVID-19.  It would be easy for the CDC to provide data on deaths that could protect identities but provide for a more detailed analysis of results.  But it’s likely the CDC doesn’t want us to know the real implications of COVID-19.

We already know that the CDC sent out directives months ago to include COVID-19 on any deaths where COVID-19 is even suspected as being a cause of death.  We reported in April that states are forced to include probable cases in their COVID-19 mortality counts.  This is really unheard of.

So the overall data on death counts for COVID-19 are questionable at best.  But this is no excuse for CNN to refute our numbers from the CDC website that are accurate.
We can expect much more of this as the November election approaches. 
These far-left Democrat outlets like CNN will do all they can to prevent Americans from knowing the truth about COVID-19.

The post CNN and Twitter Target President Trump and The Gateway Pundit – Won’t Allow Us to Share the Actual COVID-19 Numbers from the CDC Website that Don’t Fit Their Narrative appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

[VIDEO] 3-Year-Old Girl Gets Tangled in a Kite, She’s Pulled Hundreds of Feet in the Air and Survives

I watched this and had no clue it was going to be as shocking, terrifying, and dramatic as it was.

You think a kid caught in a kite, maybe getting a few feet off the ground, right?


MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Former NFL Player Claims Racism As Security Calls Police During Community Move-In

This little girl was literally HUNDREDS of feet in the air…at one point she’s so far up she literally looks like a “dot” on the screen.

The incident happened during a kite festival in Taiwan.

After the little girl is flying around, looking as if she’d be swooped away forever, sudden the kite took a dip and shocked onlookers were able to get her down to safety.

You can watch the video below:

I’ve seen a lot of unreal and wild videos, but this one here might take the cake.

Thank God that little girl is okay.


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Big Basin redwoods announce: 'News of my demise has been greatly exaggerated'

We’ve been distressed by photos of wildfires raging through California’s coastal redwood forest for over a week now. Many of us see the redwood forest as our homeland, or as parks we’ve enjoyed on vacation, so the loss is personal and devastating. The media, however, has been too fast to report this as “all is lost.” To me, a plant ecologist, the media’s redwood forest obituary is an artificial stress—or disaster porn—that no one needs in these troubled times. The massive wildfires burning throughout much of Northern California are a valid disaster that deserves mourning. But don’t write an obituary for Big Basin redwoods just yet. 

On Monday, the media finally reported the actual situation on the ground.

Because the fire has moved on from Big Basin State Park (Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County), a reporter and a photographer could walk into the park for a first-hand view of California’s oldest state park. 

… an Associated Press reporter and photographer hiked the renowned Redwood Trail at Big Basin Redwoods State Park on Monday and confirmed most of the ancient redwoods had withstood the blaze. Among the survivors is one dubbed Mother of the Forest. [...]

“But the forest is not gone,” McLendon [Laura McLendon, conservation director for the Sempervirens Fund, an environmental group dedicated to the protection of redwoods and their habitats] said. “It will regrow. Every old growth redwood I’ve ever seen, in Big Basin and other parks, has fire scars on them. They’ve been through multiple fires, possibly worse than this.”

When forest fires, windstorms and lightning hit redwood trees, those that don’t topple can resprout. Mother of the Forest, for example, used to be 329 feet tall (100 meters), the tallest tree in the park. After the top broke off in a storm, a new trunk sprouted where the old growth had been.

Redwood forest is a fire-adapted plant community; fires can have ecological benefits. The trees can regenerate from seeds, roots (sometimes via burls), and crowns, plus re-sprout new growth on trunks where branches burned off. The trunks are protected by a thick bark layer high in tannins that resists burning and insulates the important tissues (cambium and xylem) beneath the bark that are essential for survival and growth. The center of all trees, not just redwoods, are  composed of dead material (heartwood) that can burn without harming the tree. Walking through redwood forest you’ll see many trees with hollow centers, tall majestic trees whose tops are barely visible from where you stand. These hollow centers are so common they have a name—goose pens—featured in tourist brochures.

Goose Pens are where the base of a redwood has been hollowed out by fire, but the top of the tree is still thriving. These openings are so large that, in earlier days, settlers in the West could corral their livestock in them, thus giving the goosepens their name.

Over centuries, individual redwoods alive today (some estimated at 2,000 years old) have survived many fires, some triggered by lightning. Fires have been an essential part of this ecosystem for millennia. Redwoods grew in California 20 million years ago, and elsewhere 240 million years ago. Tree ring studies show growth spurts following past fires due to added nutrients, water (from reduced competition), and sunlight as the burned vegetation falls and rots.

This is not a tree dying, despite the alarming appearance of a fire in its dead wood heart.  

One of the trees near the Big Basin Redwoods State Park headquarters burns from within. #BigBasin #CZULightningComplexFire #wildfires

— Randy Vazquez (@RandyVMedia) August 21, 2020

Other plants in this ecosystem are also designed to benefit from fires that open up light gaps, release seed dormancy, and add nutrients to the soil from ashes. Wildlife benefit from fires because the new growth is more palatable and often produces more abundant and accessible fruits and seeds due to the additional light and nutrients and lower growth habit. The margins of redwood forest, on the slopes between Big Basin and the Pacific Ocean, and other shallow-soil, sunnier locales often are dominated by knobcone pines (Pinus attenuata). The cones of this pine require hot fire to open and scatter seeds that also need fire to break dormancy. Knobcone seeds don’t germinate and grow without fire.

The fires we have now in California are different than historical fires because of all that humans have done to alter the forest composition—the species and age diversity of the plants—and remove natural fire. We’ve also altered the landscape and broken the forest habitat into pieces, forming a mosaic with residential and road development. Plus, we have created climate change, which results in today’s exceptional, but now normal, hot dry conditions and weather that brings 10,000 lightning strikes in a few days. 

A burned forest is not as glamorous and magical-looking as the places we hold in our memories. It’s likely that Big Basin and other prized tourism habitats burning in these fires will look damaged, messy, and sad to us for a long time.  So we do have something to mourn. However, we also have something marvelous to admire.  Regeneration, renewal, and change are nature’s enduring magic that was easy to forget as we drove on a forest road to paved lot, where we enjoyed a picnic at a table in a cleared patch of forest close to the parked car. I’m not saying all the burned forests are fine, because it’s too soon for anyone to make that call. But it’s also too soon to write an obituary for Big Basin redwood forest. 

Thanks to Daily Kos Community member plantdokta who, in the comments today, just posted a link to another story affirming the scientific verification that it’s too soon to tie a toe tag on the redwoods. That story includes this fantastic video.

from Daily Kos

Leaked McGahn memo reveals alarms about Kushner's top-secret security clearance

Leaked McGahn memo reveals alarms about Kushner's top-secret security clearance submitted by /u/nachoorgy
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from Politics

Thousands sign petition to replace Confederate statue with Chadwick Boseman memorial in his hometown

Thousands sign petition to replace Confederate statue with Chadwick Boseman memorial in his hometown submitted by /u/theladynora
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from Politics

Stories of 2020: Five Lives Caught in a Year of Upheaval and Pain

In a year that has filled morgues, emptied schools, shuttered workplaces, swelled unemployment lines and polarized the electorate, these are a few of the Americans struggling to respond.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics

‘Biden Can Just Stay Away’ – Wisconsin Voters Reject Joe Biden, Welcome Trump’s Planned Visit to Kenosha, Praise His ‘Strong Leadership’ (VIDEO)

Wisconsin voters rejected Joe Biden and welcomed President Trump amid his plans to visit Kenosha on Tuesday.

President Trump will travel to Kenosha on Tuesday after violent BLM-Biden voters rioted and destroyed businesses following an officer-involved shooting last Sunday.

Biden decided not to visit Kenosha this week because he is a feeble coward who thinks Trump’s visit will ‘backfire.’

President Trump is a true leader who is going straight into the epicenter of where violent riots took place to confront the problem.

Wisconsin voters don’t want Biden in Kenosha anyway.

One Wisconsin voter blasted Joe Biden for being an inept career politician.

“Vice President Biden coming in, as far as I’m concerned, he can just stay away because he did nothing beforehand and what is he doing now?” one Wisconsin voter said.


Another Kenosha voter told MSNBC he supports President Trump’s law and order push.

“I think Kenosha’s gonna vote for President Trump in the upcoming election. I think we need him here. We need strong leadership. People that are born and raised here are disgusted and angry with what’s happened.”


The post ‘Biden Can Just Stay Away’ – Wisconsin Voters Reject Joe Biden, Welcome Trump’s Planned Visit to Kenosha, Praise His ‘Strong Leadership’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

A Trump supporter mistakenly called him ‘foolish’ when attempting to call him ‘wise’ in Hindi

You should probably familiarize yourself with a language before publicly using its terminology. But this thought apparently didn’t occur to political commentator and Fox News “Nation” contributor Tomi Lahren, a popular Donald Trump supporter. A video of Lahren using the Hindi word for owl went viral on social media Tuesday after Lahren used the literal translation of the word as opposed to understanding the cultural significance of it.

"Trump 2020 is all about Keeping America Great because President Trump is wise like an owl, or as you guys would say in Hindi - President Trump is wise like an Ulloo. I hope I said that right," Lahren said in the video. While her pronunciation wasn’t too bad, what she failed to understand is that in both Hindi and Urdu, as well as other widely spoken South Asian languages, the term “ullu” or “ulloo” is used as an insult. So while “ulloo” translates to owl its cultural significance is not the same, an “ulloo” isn’t someone wise in India—it’s someone foolish.

South Asian Twitter users were quick to notice the mistake. Many took to reposting the video agreeing that they also believed Trump is an “ulloo.” Lahren’s attempt to relate to Indian Trump supporters was a great fail; instead of being praised for her attempt to speak Hindi she became a hilarious and viral “ulloo.” Her video garnered views not only on social media but messaging platforms, finding its way to the infamous Whatsapp news base as an American failing to understand cultural nuances. While the original clip recorded and shared by Lahren has since then been deleted from her social media, it exists in reposts worldwide.

I can't 😂 "President trump is wise like an ullu" In hindi ullu means owl but used as an insult to consider someone a fool We all can agree with tomi that Trump is an Ullu 😂🦉

— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) August 25, 2020

According to The Independent, Lahren first gained national attention as a conservative host on TheBlaze. She was frequently praised by the right for segments in which she criticized liberal politics, but in 2017, she was suspended from TheBlaze after expressing her support for abortion an interview on The View. Following that incident, she began working for the Great America Alliance, a group dedicated to supporting Trump, The Independent reported.

While Lahren is being credited as the “ulloo” who failed to realize she called Trump an idiot or “jackass” in some translational slang, South Asian comedian Ali-Asghar Abedi claimed on Twitter that it was actually his idea.

“In case it wasn’t clear, I’m the person who pranked Tomi Lahren, and I did it via @BookCameo. Best $85 I’ve ever spent,” Abedi wrote on Twitter.

In case it wasn’t clear, I’m the person who pranked Tomi Lahren, and I did it via @BookCameo. Best $85 I’ve ever spent.

— Ali-Asghar Abedi (@AbediAA) August 25, 2020

In an article written for The Independent, Abedi alleged he pranked Lahren to think she was calling Trump wise. “Lahren thought she was calling Trump wise but ended up insulting the man whose presidency her entire career is based on,” he wrote. “Maybe her brain was fried from taking the President's advice about ingesting bleach. Or maybe she was easily duped because she's lacking in intellectual curiosity and only offers arguments that a toddler would call reductive. Either way, waging $85 that she wouldn’t bother to research the meaning of “ulloo” felt like a safe bet.”

It’s true even if someone paid Lahren to say the word “ulloo” a quick Google search of what it means would find variations of the word in phrases all yielding to negative results. An incident like this reminds one of the times as a child people would give you the wrong meaning of a word in a different language or the viral tattoos of people who think they have one inspirational phrase written when in reality their tattoo says “pizza” in Arabic.

Abedi cited other political commentators who allegedly fell victim to the same pranks including Ben Shapiro, Jesse Watters, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, and Kimberly Guifoyle. It goes to show that research is always key and blind trust, which many Trump supporters have, isn’t always the answer— when in doubt, fact check.  

In the end, I’d say Lahren’s $85 investment was a great one. It may not have looked well for her but it provided South Asians some well-deserved comedy. Besides not many will disagree that Trump is indeed an “ulloo.”

from Daily Kos

Trump offered FBI director job to John Kelly, asked for loyalty

Trump offered FBI director job to John Kelly, asked for loyalty submitted by /u/superghoster
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from Politics

Inciter-In-Chief: Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler Calls Out Trump For Stoking Violence

"What America needs is for you to be stopped," says the angry Democratic mayor following the fatal shooting of a man during a protest.

from Politics - U.S. Political News, Opinion and Analysis

Deranged MSNBC Pundit Goes on Hateful Rant Against Trump Voters

On Saturday’s AM Joy, MSNBC fill-in host Zerlina Maxwell conspired with radical leftist authors Jon Meacham and Brittney Cooper to spew hatred towards President Trump and his supporters. Maxwell set up Cooper to go on an insane rant by accusing Trump of “brutally treating black and brown people.” Cooper responded with vile, woke rhetoric that claiming Trump supporters are “rooted in racism” and “a desire for power at the expense of everyone who is black and brown.” Maxwell began the Democratic propaganda by encouraging Meacham to go on a partisan rant against Trump:     MAXWELL: So John, I – I want to go to you first and just ask about as a historian what your gut reaction was to this week seeing the President after four days of pomp and circumstance, you know, violating the Hatch Act all over the place, staging his acceptance speech at the White House. What is the significance of that historically?  MEACHAM: It's -- I hope it's our bottom. I hope we don't go any farther below that. It's a remarkable moment of blending the emblems and sanctity of governance with the business -- necessary business of partisan politics. And that has -- those two things have been kept porously separate, but separate, for centuries. And basically, President Trump, predictably alas, has confused his own personality. He has taken his own narcissism and forced it to the center of the life of the nation and when you stand on the South Lawn of the White House which is in many ways sacred ground in American life, and you make a partisan speech, you turn it – you genuinely turn it into a Republican event.  Meacham also accused Trump of “weaponizing his own narcissism,” which Maxwell enthused over: “Weaponizing his own narcissism is such an interesting way to put that.” The very woke Maxwell then inspired Cooper to go on her deranged rant: MAXWELL: When you -- when you have on the one hand the President who's caging people he's claiming are violating federal laws, even though they're seeking asylum, who's encouraging brutal treatment of black people by police officers, even if they're not committing crimes. What -- what's your reaction to the fact that you have the President violating the law and then brutally treating black and brown people who he deems law -- lawbreakers?  COOPER: Look, President Trump is a lawless person. We knew he was lawless before he got into office. We had very good indicators that he had sexually assaulted women. So many people around him have been – taken hits and gone to jail because they committed crimes on his behalf. The President is a criminal. He has no respect for the rule of law. He understands this job as basically a money grab to support the Trump organization and his own individual pockets. And part of the challenge we have as a nation is that a significant swath of Americans still support Donald Trump. They support his vision of America. And that is rooted in racism. It is rooted in a desire for power at the expense of everyone who is black and brown. And so what we have in this problem is – is a – is a spiritual kind of tyranny of the worst impulses -- you know Dr. Meacham said you know narcissism – you know sort of weaponizing narcissism. That's a spiritual problem. It's a – it’s a problem of our own kind of -- sort of moral crumbling that’s happening in our faces. Tara Reade may have something to say about Joe Biden’s regard for the law when it comes to sexual assault. Since nothing is sacred to Democratic shills, Maxwell and Cooper enveloped the hatred of Trump supporters into the death of beloved actor Chadwick Boseman with Maxwell saying being black in 2020 America is defined by "grief and pain and loss." Cooper replied that black Americans are "deeply grieving" since Black Panther served to push back against "a cultural project that denies the black humanity every step of the way, when black people are being shot down in the streets, when we’re being told that we are criminals and that our lives are unworthy of protection or care." In tears, Cooper added: "We fight for this democracy more than most people fight for it every day. We believe in the American project so much more than the citizens that we see on the right and frankly I think many black Americans are overwhelmed and devastated today." MSNBC is not a news network but a forum for crazed pundits to spout nonsensical, woke Democratic propaganda.   This venomous garbage was brought to viewers by Procter & Gamble and IcyHot. Let them know here if you think they should be sponsoring this content. Read the full August 29th transcript here: MSNBC AM Joy 08/29/20 10:09:16 AM ZERLINA MAXWELL: Joining me now is Jon Meacham author of His Truth is Marching On and Brittney Cooper, author of Eloquent Rage. Thank you so much for being here this morning.  BRITTNEY COOPER (AUTHOR AND PROFESSOR OF WOMEN’S, GENDER, & AFRICANA STUDIES): My pleasure.  JON MEACHAM (AUTHOR OF HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON): Thank you.  MAXWELL: So Jon, I – I want to go to you first and just ask about, as a historian, what your gut reaction was to this week seeing the President after four days of pomp and circumstance, you know, violating the Hatch Act all over the place, staging his acceptance speech at the White House. What is the significance of that historically?  MEACHAM: It's -- I hope it's our bottom. I hope we don't go any farther below that. It's a remarkable moment of blending the emblems and sanctity of governance with the business -- necessary business of partisan politics. And that has -- those two things have been kept porously separate, but separate, for centuries. And basically, President Trump, predictably alas, has confused his own personality. He has taken his own narcissism and forced it to the center of the life of the nation and when you stand on the South Lawn of the White House, which is in many ways sacred ground in American life, and you make a partisan speech, you turn it – you genuinely turn it into a Republican event. You're mixing things that in a democracy that is tenuous. We’re – we’re a complicated and provisional experiment as you were just talking about in another context with -- with Congressmen -- Congresswoman Demings. You -- we have to be eternally vigilant about making sure that the whole is important than the individual. That is the nation is more important than the temporary occupant of the White House. And what you saw this week was President Trump once again weaponizing his own narcissism.  MAXWELL: Weaponizing his own narcissism is such an interesting way to put that. Brittany, in terms of the Hatch Act, that is a law. And so it -- it's not, you know, to John’s point, simply violating norms historically but also literally violating federal statute. Or at least not in the President’s case -- encouraging staffers to do so. When you -- when you have on the one hand the President who's caging people he's claiming are violating federal laws, even though they're seeking asylum, who's encouraging brutal treatment of black people by police officers, even if they're not committing crimes. What -- what's your reaction to the fact that you have the President violating the law and then brutally treating black and brown people who he deems law -- lawbreakers?  COOPER: Look, President Trump is a lawless person. We knew he was lawless before he got into office. We had very good indicators that he had sexually assaulted women. So many people around him have been – taken hits and gone to jail because they committed crimes on his behalf. The President is a criminal. He has no respect for the rule of law. He understands this job as basically a money grab to support the Trump organization and his own individual pockets. And part of the challenge we have as a nation is that a significant swath of Americans still support Donald Trump. They support his vision of America. And that is rooted in racism. It is rooted in a desire for power at the expense of everyone who is black and brown. And so what we have in this problem is – is a – is a spiritual kind of tyranny of the worst impulses -- you know Dr. Meacham said you know narcissism – you know sort of weaponizing narcissism. That's a spiritual problem. It's a – it’s a problem of our own kind of -- sort of moral crumbling that’s happening in our faces. And it's a question for us about whether we will continue to stand by and watch this happen or whether we will fight back. The thing that irritates me about Republicans is that they scream and yell at black protesters about how we must respect the rule of law when the entire governance of the last four years has been all about a cruel mocking of the notion of the rule of law.  MAXWELL: I think that's such an important point. I want to pivot a bit towards really what I think as black Americans we're experiencing in the year 2020 which is grief and pain and loss. Not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic, not just because like every other year the police are shooting and killing black people in the street, but also because we just lost Chadwick Boseman, who played so many memorable characters including Black Panther. Brittany, I just want to ask you for -- for -- your reflection on really the pain and grief that black America is in as this country and its Democratic -- the pillars of it’s -- our democracy are seemingly crumbling.  COOPER: Yeah. Chadwick Boseman was our shining star and, you know, he was a superhero. Not just in the movies, but in his life. In his fight against cancer. The ability to -- to have a black superhero character at the movies in 2018 gave black folks so much joy. It was a -- Black Panther was a movie that really brought together this longstanding conversation about our relationship to the African diaspora and to -- our -- our roots and the places we were rich from and brought here and it staged an important cultural conversation and did it with a beautiful representation of black life. Chad – Chadwick Boseman was an amazing actor. He was a – my -- my fellow alum of Howard University. I'm super proud of that. And we are deeply, deeply grieving today because these representations they don’t just -- they're not just movies for us when – when there's a cultural project that denies the black humanity every step of the way. When black people are being shot down in the streets. When we’re being told that we are criminals and that our lives are unworthy of protection or care to see ourselves -- it becomes heightened – it becomes an experience of heightened importance. And so Black Panther was not just a movie. All of the roles that he played were not just movies. They were cultural experiences that affirmed the depths and possibility of our humanity. And – and part of what it feels like in 2020 is that we are losing the people that help us to get up every day and fight again because they show the best of us. And, you know, black people need a break. [CRYING] We need a break. We deserve a break. We fight for this democracy more than most people fight for it every day. We believe in the American project so much more than the citizens that we see on the right and frankly I think many black Americans are overwhelmed and devastated today. And, you know, I hope that -- I hope that our country learns as Doc Rivers said to love us with half of the love that we for it and I hope that we can fight to achieve a world where black life is not cut short because of so many health challenges that beset us. And so I send my love to Chadwick Boseman’s family and his loved ones and all of us in black America who mourn today.  MAXWELL: Thank you so much, Brittney Cooper. I think so many of us out there relate to everything you just said in terms of the pain that we feel as American citizens.

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