Sunday, October 4, 2020

Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell Just Made Trump an Offer He Can’t Refuse

Man oh man, how lucky are we that we got famed Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell on our side now?

What a major win and blessing that was…See? Liberals going bat-sh*t crazy has its upside too, right?

And speaking of Leo Terrell, he just made President Trump an offer that he simply can’t refuse.

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As you know, President Trump is healing up (very nicely) from COVID, so he’s not able to hit the campaign trail.

But Leo is ready to roll for Trump.

“Put me in coach, I’m ready to play” is the vibe Leo’s got right now!

He sent out a tweet letting President Trump know he’s ready, willing, and able to hit the campaign trail for him…and he added a pretty funny joke at the end too!

Here’s what he said: “President Trump put me in those battleground states immediately I need to campaign on your behalf. Don’t get upset but I’m going to draw Larger crowds than you. LOL”


I think this is a great idea! Of all Trump’s big surrogates hitting the campaign trail for him?

What do you think? 

We definitely have the momentum right now, with less than 30 days to go!


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