There has never been a more crooked family in politics than the Biden family.
Joe Biden flew his son Hunter Biden with him on Air Force 2 to thirteen different countries according to newly discovered records. On several of these trips Hunter Biden was hidden from public view or was already waiting in the car before Joe Biden departed the plane.
Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) joined Greg Kelly on Newsmax to discuss the latest revelations regarding the Biden Crime Family.
Greg Kelly: these emails, 5400, are you confident in that number? I said the archives presented you with that number. Is that true?
Rep. James Comer: Yes, we’re confident in that number. Now, there could be more because there could be more pseudonyms that Joe Biden used, but the sheer fact that there are that many and he used three different pseudonyms is very concerning. So how ironic is it the guy that while he was vice president, his family created 20 fake companies for the sole purpose of laundering money from foreign nationals into the fake LLCs that would then be laundered down to Biden family members? How ironic is it that the same person would have three fake names that he used on government emails? But the most concerning thing here about these 5400 emails is that we know of one, and we believe there are many more, where Hunter Biden was copied on them. So not only was he trying to disguise the fact that he was sending and receiving the emails while he was vice president, he’s copied his son on things pertaining to the government, specifically pertaining to Ukraine, at a time when he said all along that there was a wall between the government and Hunter Biden.
Greg Kelly: So Hunter Biden, we all remember the picture. I think we have it right here when he visited China with his father, the then vice president. I think this was December 2014, 2015. Yeah, there they are arriving in Beijing. Totally inappropriate, but that was done on purpose, we believe, to send the Chinese a signal. If you want to meet Joe, if you want to get to Joe, go through Hunter. That’s a big deal in China. I take it you’ve seen this other video of Joe Biden on his vice presidential travels where Hunter doesn’t get off the plane in front, but is often waiting in the car here’s, South Korea, 2013. He’s coming down. I don’t know who that person is with him, but by the time he gets to the car, we’re going to see somebody very familiar. It’s Hunter. That is undoubtedly hunter biden. And this happened throughout the world. It happened in Germany, italy. We believe Ukraine as well. What do you make of this?
Rep. James Comer: it’s obvious that he was trying to hide the fact that his son was traveling with him. Joe Biden has not been truthful with the American people about how many times his son flew on Air Force Two with him and where they flew to. What I think we’re going to find is that many of these countries where the Bidens were receiving millions and millions of dollars through their shell companies were the countries where Hunter Biden was traveling on Air Force Two with his father. Just like Joe Biden said. He never communicated with any of these foreign nationals who were sending the money. We’ve now found that he communicated with all of them. And what we’re finding about Burisma every day is very concerning. Very concerning. Of all the crimes that have been committed by the Bidens, what we’re finding with Burisma is probably the most concerning. Not to mention the fact that the Democrats and the media went all in on impeaching Donald Trump over simply calling Zelensky to ask him if he knew anything about potential crime by the Bidens in Ukraine.
A new beer brand that sprang into existence alongside the far-reaching boycott of Bud Light has already surpassed $1 million in sales and can now be found in stores in two states.
When Bud Light teamed with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney back in April, one father decided to take matters into his own hands and launched his own beer — Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right.
In a commercial announcing Ultra Right, Seth Weathers described the brew as a “100 percent woke-free beer.”
America’s been buying beer from a company that doesn’t even know which restroom to use.
In a video released a few weeks later, Weathers vowed, “Ultra Right beer and this movement will never be stopped, no matter what they throw at us.”
Well, apparently, he was right.
While Ultra Right was initially only for sale online, it is now being distributed to stores in Georgia and Arkansas, and Weathers is working on adding several other states to that list.
“We’re sending this beer out by the tractor-trailer load,” he told Fox Business on Wednesday.
“First, they mocked us,” Weathers said in a statement. “They said we’d never sell any beer, they said we’d never get the beer made, they said we would never get distributors, and then they said we’d never get shelf space in stores.
“I’m proud to say, we’ve accomplished all those things in a matter of months.”
Weathers added that Ultra Right isn’t just anti-woke in name only — he’s actually putting his money where his mouth is.
“Conservatives have had enough of woke corporations, and they’re fighting back with their wallet,” he said. “We’re doing our part to fight for the causes that matter to our customers by donating a portion of sales to defeating woke school board members across the country.”
Fox reported that Ultra Right has surpassed $1 million in sales, gained over 10,000 customers, and sold 20,000 six-packs within two weeks of its launch.
And appearing in stores will bring even greater success.
Weathers is right, of course.
Conservatives cannot continue to give our money to the uber-woke corporations that are actively working to undermine our values. We need to seek out companies like Ultra Right that proudly support American ideals.
Hawaii state Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran has announced he will step down from office after facing several conflicts of interest questions.
In a senate press release, Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran did not give a specific reason why he was deciding to step down. But he did write, “I believe that this decision best serves the interests of the Maui people especially given what they have gone through over the last three weeks, and what they continue to experience.”
Agaran has been facing ethical questions the last several days after his picture was spotted on a flyer that advertised a discussion with members from the law firm Takitani Agaran Jorgensen & Wildman where Keith-Aagaran serves as a partner and Morgan & Morgan “America’s largest injury law firm”.
Morgan & Morgan has already filed a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric and Maui Electric Co. over the deadly Maui fires.
Civil Beat reported on Sunday just days before Keith-Agaran’s resignation that, “If push came to shove and he had to chose between his clients and his constituents, Keith-Agaran might choose his law practice over politics.”
Here’s the flyer that raised concerns:
State Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran is a partner in the law firm of partner at Takatani Agaran Jorgensen & Wildman that recently used his photo in a flyer to promote a community discussion in the aftermath of the Aug. 8 fires.
A Maui lawmaker announced Wednesday he’ll step down after raising eyebrows — and ethical questions — for his potential role as a lawyer for wildfire victims.
Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran said his final day would be Oct. 31.
He characterized his departure as a retirement, saying it’s been an “honor to represent my friends and family in my Central Maui communities in the State Senate and the State House.”
Agaran’s decision to resign comes after he was pictured on a flyer for a community discussion with members of his law firm. Agaran is a partner at Takatani Agaran Jorgensen & Wildman, which has partnered with Morgan & Morgan, a firm with offices in multiple states.
Sen. Keith-Agaran’s final day will be on October 31st.
On 27.08 in the evening, on the fringes of a Syrian protest, a glass door of the St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna was smashed with a hammer. The police, who were present due to the rally scheduled for the evening, immediately arrested the perpetrator armed with two hammers. The man was taken to the hospital, in case he was suffering from psychosis – the police considered a connection with the demonstration unlikely.
Cathedral priest, Toni Faber, said he would make sure on Monday that there are no other damages. .
Majestic St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Austria
Philip Anderson was a victim of police brutality on January 6th. He nearly lost his life. Philip started speaking out about the horrific abuse by the US Capitol Police that day months after the attack.
Philip first reached out to The Gateway Pundit back in the summer of 2021.
Philip Anderson says the Capitol Police killed Rosanne Boyland. He knows this because he was next to her when she died. He was holding her hand. And Philip nearly died himself.
Activist Philip Anderson spoke with The Gateway Pundit on the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and how the Capitol police murdered Rosanne Boyland and nearly took his life too.
This is an amazing eyewitness report that has been ignored by the fake news media because it does not fit their narrative. A black Trump supporter was gassed with clouds of pepper spray, pushed down, and then nearly trampled to death as police officers continued to push people on a pile outside the US Capitol.
Anderson describes how Rosanne Boyland was the first woman killed by Capitol police that day. Ashli Babbitt was the second woman killed by police.
Philip Anderson nearly died that day. He is lucky to be alive today. He was dragged from under a pile of bodies when the police viciously sprayed Trump supporters with an unknown liquid and then continued to push them on top of eachother. Philip Anderson was knocked unconscious and dragged from the pile. Rosanne Boyland was not so fortunate and died that day due to police brutality.
This photo shows Philip Anderson nearly unconscious being dragged away by Trump supporters after being crushed under a pile on Jan. 6. Roseanne Boylan was next to him when she died.
The Gateway Pundit spoke with Philip Anderson on Saturday night — six months after the Jan. 6 protests and rally.
Philip Anderson fell and was being smothered as police officers continued to push Trump supporters on top of him. Philip told The Gateway Pundit how he was holding Rosanne’s hand when she died.
Philip posted this on social media before his account was taken down.
Here is video of Rosanne Boyland being trampled as Capitol Police continued to push protesters on top of her.
You can see protesters dragging Philip Anderson’s body away after he lost consciousness.
Via The New York Times state propaganda outlet:
Philip was never called to testify before Liz Cheney’s fraudulent Jan. 6 Committee. Philip was never sent an apology by the FBI. He was never interviewed to hear his version of what happened that day.
On Tuesday morning the feds arrested Philip Anderson – 2 1/2 years after January 6th where they nearly killed him.
Philip was going to be a witness for several men who watched the police kill Rosanne Boyland and who have been sitting in prison for over two years now!
Today they arrested Philip. What has happened to our country? Are there any men and women of courage left to fight this wickedness and tyranny?
We just heard that Philip Anderson was kidnapped this morning by the FBI for surviving the January 6 election integrity protest. 18 months ago the FBI had told him that he would not be charged (they lied).
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis who has hit President Trump and 18 others for challenging the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia, has had her fair share of criticism of the election process in Georgia herself.
As The Gateway Pundit reported last week, Willis on election night took to Facebook and criticized Fulton County’s election security and wrote “Georgia could determine who is our next president. A TEAM of lawyers needs to watch them count every single VOTE. They can start in Fulton where we are having water leaks. What ballots are they throwing out?”
Now a resurfaced radio interview with local Atlanta WABE, reveals Willis had a lack of confidence in Georgia’s election process during her own election primary.
Willis made an appearance on WABE’s Morning Edition on June 10th, 2020 as election results from Fulton County’s DA race were still not all counted from the day before.
The now Fulton County DA stated “Georgia was on the national news. And the bottom line is we have to do better. They had three additional weeks to get this election ready. Remember, we were supposed to go on May 19.”
Willis was referring to Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s decision to postpone Georgia’s primary election from May 19th to June 9th due to Covid-19 protocols.
Howard’s chief opponent, Fani Willis, once worked in the district attorney’s office as the chief deputy.
Willis spoke to WABE’s “Closer Look” on Wednesday afternoon. She says the state’s election process is steeped in problems. “And so we’ve got to do better. Georgia was on the national news. And the bottom line is we have to do better. They had three additional weeks to get this election ready. Remember, we were supposed to go on May 19.” says Willis.
Willis wasn’t the only one saying there was major problems in Georgia’ voting process in the 2020 June primaries, almost every left-leaning outlet was saying the same thing:
Voters waiting in lines upwards of 3 hours long and issues with a new $104 million voting system are plaguing Georgia’s primary election today.
We’ve come to the point when the hyped and much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive is all but through, without ever breaching Russia’s first of many fortified lines in its defense in depth, losing a catastrophic amount of equipment and taking a horrifying amount of human losses.
President Zelensky now needs to buy himself some time, while he unleashes a massive forced conscription campaign to replenish the tens of thousands of troops he squandered in ‘meat attacks’ against the overwhelming Russian defenses.
For that, he needs at least the appearance of a ‘democratic’ governance in the fields of elections and the combat of corruption to keep his international backers in line.
So he is promising to do it – but with the former comedian and his Nazi-friendly regime, there’s always a catch.
In an interview with Ukrainian TV, Zelensky announced that, contrary to previous statements, the country may hold elections after all, despite the ongoing martial law.
“‘I would not like to fantasize that we would live without elections for three, five, seven years’, Zelensky said. ‘I don’t want the perception that the government clings to power. I don’t cling to anything. I would like to hold elections. Elections are possible if the US and the EU are ready to provide us with 5 billion hryvnia [$135 million] we need to organize presidential elections in the country. I will not take this money from the defense budget’.”
In May and June, the world was told that elections in Ukraine would be possible only when hostilities are over.
“Zelensky’s apparent ‘change of heart’ came after the visit of a bipartisan delegation of American lawmakers led by influential Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on August 23. Graham and his Democratic counterparts, Senators Richard Blumenthal and Elizabeth Warren, met Zelensky in Kiev and made it clear to him that he should hold presidential elections in 2024.
‘We need an election in Ukraine next year. I want to see this country have a free and fair election even while it is under assault’, Graham told reporters during a briefing in Kiev. The GOP senator claimed that Ukraine ‘has changed’ because ‘in the past it was a very corrupt country’, but now ‘Ukrainians are not profiting’ from US aid.
That’s not what Pulitzer winner Seymour Hersh wrote when he shared the CIA’s estimate that ‘Zelensky and his entourage embezzled at least $400 million From US aid in 2022 alone’.
Dr. Marco Marsili, Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis:
“Ukraine is among the most corrupt countries in Europe and toward the bottom globally, and financial aid from the West is definitely an opportunity for Ukrainian political and military leaders to put money in their pockets, as demonstrated by two major corruption scandals on government procurement of military catering services and electrical generators that were revealed last January.”
Those with just a cursory level of information my find Dr. Marsili’s position a bit cynical, and ask themselves: ‘haven’t we just been told that Zelensky is implementing a hard clamp on corruption?’
Well, yes – and no. Kiev’s regime made a ‘smart’ move, by proposing legislation equating corruption to treason, clearly manipulating the public’s desire for justice, but also opening himself to backlash from officials and watchdogs.
“Two senior officials following the proposal, who were granted anonymity to speak candidly, say concerns are growing within Ukraine’s anti-graft agencies that Zelensky’s plan will take top corruption cases away from their oversight and pass them to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), which falls under the president’s command.
The SBU could, potentially, have the power to bury corruption cases involving top officials. The move, the officials say, could put Ukraine’s anti-corruption infrastructure under threat, and anti-corruption watchdogs are sounding the alarm.”
By using the SBU, Zelensky can protect high-level regime officials from corruption charges and obtain tools to destroy his opponents. Democracy, right?
He already did it once. His Office Deputy Head Oleg Tatarov had his case was transferred to the SBU — and buried there. In practice, it’s expected that this change it will mean the collapse of whatever anti-corruption system still exists in Ukraine.
The following retired Generals are popping up on cable news channels to offer their “sage” analysis on the war in Ukraine and they all share one thing in common — they are wrong to a staggering degree. I am shocked by their inability to objectively analyze the situation. Instead, they repeat the same propaganda memes — Russian troops are poorly led; Russian troops are conscripts and poorly trained; Russian troops have lousy morale; the Russian Army is brittle and will break under pressure; and Russia is losing.
These are not uneducated men and they demonstrated some measure of competence when given commands of major forces. So why are they so consistently wrong about fundamental facts?
I am pretty sure that all have acknowledged at some point that an attacking force, when confronted with a well entrenched foe, must have air supremacy if that force is to have a snow ball’s chance in Hell of breaching the defensive lines. Yet, you do not have to be cleared for Top Secret intelligence to know that Ukraine’s Air Force has been decimated and is incapable of launching sustained attacks on Russian troop positions.
There also is a lot of happy talk about Ukraine striking Russian lines of communication (LOCs) with HIMARs and Storm Shadow missiles. But there is scant evidence to support this claim. In fact, the opposite is true. It is Russia, not Ukraine, that is striking Ukrainian command and logistics hubs throughout Ukraine on a daily basis. And Ukraine’s air defense has been depleted and cannot stop the nightly barrage.
These generals are either ignorant of Russia’s success in decimating the multitude of attacks launched since the start of the counter offensive on June 5 or they are choosing to lie. I do not see any middle ground. The images of NATO supplied burning tanks, Bradleys, Strikers and Marders are all over the internet. The photos and videos are not generated by Artificial Intelligence, but these Generals ignore that reality.
Ditto for Ukrainian casualties. Social media is filled with photos and videos of massive cemeteries with seemingly endless rows of Ukrainian flags sprouting from freshly dug graves. Hell, even Ukrainian sources admitted the shortage of burial plots compelled Zelensky’s Government to dig up World War II cemeteries and discard the remains of Soviet soldiers in order to make room for the burgeoning number of Ukrainian KIA. This is not secret information. It is easy to find if you know how to do a simple Google search.
Then there is the question of ammunition supplies. Ukraine is running on fumes and has been forced to use 155 mm cluster munitions because the West no longer has the ability to supply the more effective standard 155 mm shell. Even Biden admitted this publicly, yet the collection of retired U.S. Generals refuse to accept that fact and incorporate it into their analysis.
This failure to engage reality helps explain the failures, under the leadership of these men, to achieve a victory in the U.S. military operations in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. None of these men have conducted a combined arms campaign against a peer military force.
Ukraine does not have an endless supply of potential recruits. To the contrary, Ukraine is rounding up teenagers and men over 50, providing them with cursory training and throwing them into a meat grinder. Not one of these Generals concedes that this is crazy and counter productive. Russia, by contrast, has expanded its force and continues to sign up new recruits. These new soldiers are receiving a minimum of six months training before being sent anywhere near a battlefield.
What is going on? Are we are witnessing a debacle built on group think or are these Generals hostages to their economic masters? In other words, lying in order to get paid. I am posting four interviews with Stan McChrystal, Phil Breedlove, Ben Hodges and David Petraeus so that you can decide for yourself. I apologize in advance for subjecting you to this but I think it is important to hear what they say.
Stan McChrystal (US Army retired)Phillip Breedlove (USAF retired)Ben Hodges (US Army retired)David Petaeus (US Army retired)
These four gentlemen sound like Christopher Walken in the iconic “More Cowbell” skit from Saturday Night Live. Just keep doing the same thing repeatedly and hope for a different outcome.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) said on Monday that just one Suspicious Activity Report (SARS) on the Biden family’s finances that she reviewed at the Treasury Department earlier this year involved “tens of millions of dollars and then some.” Mace made the revelation in an interview with America’s Newsroom co-host Dana Perino on the Fox News Channel. Mace also had a warning to Joe Biden on behalf of House Republicans: “We’re coming for you.”
Mace said while she is not allowed to reveal details of the SARS reports, she said the Biden family money laundering schemes involved well over $50 million from overseas sources. Mace said the amount is “staggering.”
Mace told Perino that the House is seeking Biden family bank records, saying they would document the money trail shown in the SARS reports.
“I would say the shock and awe comes from the amount of money laundering that we’re talking about is staggering. And I’ve said this a couple times, the amount of money the Bidens, I believe, benefited from is gonna be over $50 million–$17 million from Ukraine alone, so far. It will be much higher than that overall when we talk about Romania, China, Russia, etc. Just one report in one of the SARS reports–there are 170 of them, plus–was tens of millions of dollars and then some. It’s a staggering amount of money we’re talking about between the Biden family and their business associates and these corrupt countries. It’s, it’s insurmountable, in my opinion, and I am disgusted the mainstream media has not investigated it.”
Mace also said she would like to speak with Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired by the Ukrainian government under threat by then Vice President Joe Biden in what is alleged to be the payback for a bribe paid by the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma on whose board Joe’s son Hunter Biden sat on. Shokin recently spoke to Fox News and expressed his belief that Joe Biden was bribed by Burisma.
from The Gateway Pundit
This will make leftist heads explodes – And the Nikki Haley crowd.
Journalist Tucker Carlson is in negotiations to interview Vladimir Putin.
Russia Today, the pro-Putin state-owned media outlet reported this news earlier today.
Former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson has been seeking an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said on Sunday.
“[Carlson] is strongly requesting an interview with Vladimir Putin,” Simonyan said on a talk show aired by Rossiya-1 TV channel. “It would be great, if someone listens and notifies the president about this.”
Carlson has not commented on the matter. Putin rarely gives one-on-one interviews to foreign media. His last lengthy conversation with a Western journalist was an interview with CNBC anchor Hadley Gamble on the sidelines of the Russian Energy Week forum in Moscow in October 2021.
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’, which aired on Fox from 2016 and 2023, was the highest-rated show on US cable news. Carlson was abruptly fired from the channel in April. According to the journalist, the termination was one of the conditions of the settlement Fox News reached with the Dominion Voting Systems, which sued the channel for defamation over its coverage of the US 2020 presidential election.
JUST IN — Tucker Carlson is reportedly in discussions to interview Vladimir Putin, as reported by RT.
Notably, the NSA spied on Tucker Carlson to prevent a pre-war interview with Putin, potentially stopping the American public from gaining insight into Putin’s perspective before the US-Russia proxy war in Ukraine…
…Shouldn’t Western democracies allow citizens to form their own judgments from the available information?
JUST IN — Tucker Carlson is reportedly in discussions to interview Vladimir Putin, as reported by RT.
Notably, the NSA spied on Tucker Carlson to prevent a pre-war interview with Putin, potentially stopping the American public from gaining insight into Putin's perspective before…
This post will be different from what you are accustomed to reading. I am not commenting specifically on the current situation in Ukraine or the future of BRICS or the possible outbreak of a war with China. What I want to discuss is how the mainstream media — both traditional networks and mainline news papers and magazines — and cable news are losing influence to blogs and social media.
Part of my motivation to tackle this subject comes from a weekly Zoom meeting that I attend with a group of very smart men and women, most over the age of 65. If I named some of this distinguished souls in this group your next question would be, “Why the hell did they let you into the group?” They were feeling charitable, I guess, when they invited me to participate.
Several in this group have been doing some pretty interesting mental gymnastics in trying to explain away the Tucker Carlson/Donald Trump interview. It is an internet phenomena and set a new record as the most watched video ever on X (formerly twitter). Yet, some of these good folks just cannot believe that so many people actually watched the interview and try to dismiss the 260 million plus number as nothing more than idle clicks. These are the people who still watch cable news and spend much of their day with CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg News on their screens.
The television news business that reigned supreme in the 1980s and 1990s is dead. I have written previously about the difference between 1968 and 2016 in terms of ratings and viewers. In August 1968 more than 53 million Americans watched the nightly news on ABC, CBS and NBC. Walter Cronkite on CBS reigned supreme with 28 million viewers. At that time there were a little over 200 million Americans. That means a whopping 14% of all Americans were watching Walter. I was shocked to discover what had happened to ratings when I looked at the numbers for August 2016. All major networks and cable news shows combined had a total of roughly 28 million viewers. (Yes, I added up the ratings for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News).
Although fewer people were watching these various news shows, the anchors continued to make big money and the corporate control of these various outlets became more concentrated. The new reality is that legacy media and cable news cater primarily to an elite audience that is not representative of the American social and ethnic classes.
I made my first appearance as a terrorism pundit on August 15, 1994 on CNN to talk about the capture of Carlos the Jackal aka Ilich RamÃrez Sánchez. Way back then this was a simple news hit. I was invited on to talk about the terrorist past of Carlos and the meaning of his arrest. As a result of that bit of punditry I started getting invites from all the other networks, and I do mean all. I appeared multiple times on CNN’s Crossfire, NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s Nightline, CBS 60 Minutes and the Jim Lehrer Newshour, just to mention a few. In late 1999 NBC hired met to be their terrorism consultant as we waited for the world to implode with the arrival of Y2K aka New Year’s 2000. After 9-11, Fox News put me under contract for a year (all of 2002). Roger Ailes decided not renew my contract because I was raising questions about the wisdom of invading Iraq.
Whenever I was asked to appear on any show the process was the same regardless of network. There would be a pre-interview (the producers wanted to know what I was going to say). The network would send a limo to my home. I made sure I was cleaned up and wearing a suit jacket of some type. The drivers of the limos were from Pakistan. Always. The immigrant Pakis had the limo business with the various networks locked down.
When I arrived at the station I would be hustled into make-up and then sit in the “green” room making chit chat with any other pundit waiting to go on air. Met some interesting folks this way. When the time came for my hit I would be taken to either a small studio or ushered into the main stage where I sat across from folks like Wolf Blitzer, Bill Press, Patrick Buchanan and even Tucker Carlson. Except for the appearances on Cross Fire, most of the time on air lasted five to eight minutes. Once my moment of punditry was over I trundled back to the make up room to remove my disguise, exited the building, climbed into the limo and returned home. This whole process consumed two to two-and-a-half hours for a brief bit of punditry.
There was one exception to this pattern. Sixty Minutes. They brought a five man crew to my home in Bethesda in October 2001. They set up for more than two hours — lighting and sound — and then Bob Simon showed up. He needed to change clothes and the next thing I knew I had Bob Simon in his underwear in my foyer. Hilarious. All of this for a 45 second comment on the story about 9-11. Hey, it was CBS money, not mine.
That world no longer exists, thanks in large part to Covid. All of the networks, both in the United States and abroad, discovered Zoom, Skype, Streamyard and Google as more efficient, cheaper and quicker ways to snag an interview. I feel for the poor Pakistani limo driver’s . Their days of being the primary chauffeurs for pundits in Washington, DC have been decimated by the internet.
But that is not the revolutionary change that has transformed the TV and Cable News empire into tabloid, propaganda outlets. Starting in 2008, with the arrival of Barack Obama, the networks and cable shows became more political. Prior to 2008 I remember being able to have legitimate debates on air with people who had opposite points of views. I recall vividly debating Professor Alan Dershowitz during the Wye River Summit in October 1998. I laughed at him insisting that Jonathan Pollard was not a spy and it discombobulated him. But at least we had an honest disagreement without rancor or screaming.
After 2008 all of that changed. Fox became the anti-Obama channel and the rest of the media donned their Obama cheerleading outfits. The age of honest debate (if it ever existed) was over. My anti-Iraq comments and my appearance in the documentary, Outfoxed, ensured I would never be invited to appear on Fox News. My criticism of Barack Obama and his ties to terrorists and other unsavory political characters made me persona non grata with the rest of the media. I am not complaining and I have no regrets. Just telling the story.
In 2017 I started to get invites to appear on foreign media, such as RT. I appeared several times on RT’s program, Cross Talk. Remember, this was pre-covid. Only with RT I did not get a limo. I had to drive myself but they paid for parking. When Covid hit, the media world changed. No more in person interviews. Instead, the TV interviewers were content to use my computer camera and audio. Wasn’t great but it got the job done.
We are now in an era where I believe that the mainstream media, especially TV and Cable, are largely irrelevant. Yet the tradition of using those platforms is still firmly embedded in the establishment mentality. Politicians raise tons of money, or try to, just to buy time on conventional TV and Cable that a diminishing number of people are watching. The action has shifted to podcasts, X and other social media platforms. That is what the vast majority of Americans are watching.
Most politicians do not understand nor comprehend the shift that has taken place. There are exceptions. Barack Obama picked up on it early. Donald Trump is the king of social media. And Vivek Ramaswamy gets in. The rest are still welded to the legacy media and foolishly spend money on TV ads that people skip if they can.
The wild west world of the internet scares the hell out of the traditional media gatekeepers. They no longer can wield total control over what messages get out. That is why the Biden Administration was working so frantically to get social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube to quash any voice that failed to genuflect before acceptable government policy. These dummies fail to realize that the world of the internet is still relatively free and that alternative channels exist or are being created every day.
There was a time when all of the cable news shows would permit a debate about the war in Iraq, for example. Now? Complete shutdown of anyone who speaks out against the U.S. policy in Ukraine. Col. Doug MacGregor is one of the rare exceptions. He appeared several times on Tucker’s show, and a few others. But now that Tucker’s gone, Doug and I are relegated to doing internet podcasts. Great! Instead of trying to discuss the complexities of the Ukraine/Russia war in five minutes, we can spend 30 minutes to an hour and a half going in depth.
We cannot (and should not) go back to the halcyon days of the 1990s and early 2000s. The combination of blogs and podcasts have created a new world that cuts across international borders and provides the means for creating a genuine international community of conversation. We just have to do what we can. The Gateway Pundit is one of the leading voices in this new media. That is why I publish at the Gateway Pundit (and other platforms) and I thank you for being part of this new community.
On Wednesday Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged the presumed death of Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin by saying he “made serious mistakes in his life.” Many have speculated, without evidence, that Putin was behind the plane crash that is believed to have killed Prigozhin this week.
Prigozhin, his right-hand man Dmitry Utkin, and eight others are believed to have been on board the flight.
In June Prigozhin’s men reportedly held a daylong mutiny against the Russian military leadership. At the time, President Vladimir Putin decried it as “treason” and vowed punishment, but then cut a deal not to prosecute Prigozhin.
A challenge has been filed in a federal court seeking a declaratory relief on the eligibility of President Donald Trump to run in the 2024 Presidential Election.
The petitioner cites Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which disqualifies individuals involved in “insurrections” against the government from running for federal office.
The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday by Lawrence A. Caplan, alleges that Trump is constitutionally prohibited from running for president again due to his alleged involvement in the January 6 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.
Caplan claimed he has participated in the last twelve presidential elections and is a legal resident of Florida. He is also a member of various state bars and federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, asserting that this gives him standing in the matter.
The facts of this case are undeniably simple. Donald J. Trump served a the 45th President of the United States having won the election in 2016 and was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. He served for four years until he lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joseph R. Biden, Jr. who took office on January 20, 2021. President Trump chose not to appear at the inauguration of his successor. Having left for his estate in South Florida while the ceremony was taking place…
On January 6, 2021, after giving a speech to a throng on the Ellipse near the Capitol, President Trump exhorted the throng to march to the Capitol and told them that he would be right there with them. After he was finished with his speech, Trump returned to the White House and watched he later events unfold on television. As we are well aware, the throng marched on the Capitol, forced their way into the Capitol building, ransacked the rotunda area, and even made their way into several offices of representatives and senators…
Of note, President Trump had sent out a tweet the day before claiming that “January 6th will be wild”. Trump also later remarked that the insurrectionists who had breached the Capitol were “special” and that “we love you”. He also later remarked that had Vice-President Pence simply done his job and refused to certify the results of the election that everything would have been fine. Not for several hours were the National Guard called in to quell the insurrection as allegedly President Trump refused to do so and had been mesmerized by the events that were taking place on his television at the White House…
Caplan specifically invokes Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, ratified after the Civil War, to disqualify Trump from running for the presidency.
“The mere fact that he has been formally indicted for various felonies including insurrection against the federal government mandates that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment be triggered,” Caplan said in his complaint.
“The bottom line here is that President Trump both engaged in an insurrection and also gave aid and comfort to other individuals who were engaging in such actions, within the clear meaning of those terms as defined in Section Three of the 14th Amendment.”
“Assuming that the public record to date is accurate, and we have no evidence to the contrary, Trump is no longer eligible to seek the office of the President of the United States, or of any other state of the Union,” Caplan added.
In his conclusion, Caplan is seeking a declaratory judgment from the court to bar Donald J. Trump from participating in the 2024 Presidential race and the Florida Republican primary scheduled for next spring.
On Friday, The Gateway Pundit previously reported that New Hampshire’s Republican Secretary of State David Scanlan is seeking legal advice on potentially blocking Trump from the primary ballot.
Scanlan has reportedly received letters begging him to take action based on legal theories fueled by the Democrat-media complex that claims the Constitution gives him the power to block Trump from the ballot.
The legal theories are based on Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office.
Trump has not been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.
“Not being a lawyer and not wanting to make a decision in a vacuum, I will be soliciting some legal opinions on what is appropriate or not before I make any decision,” Scanlan told the Boston Globe.
“I have some in-house staff attorneys that are election experts,” Scanlan said. “I will be asking the attorney general’s office for their input. And ultimately whatever is decided is probably going to require some judicial input.”
George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley called the efforts by the Democrats and the RINOs to keep Trump off the ballot as “most dangerous constitutional theory.”
“I think this is the single most dangerous constitutional theory I have seen pop up in decades,” Turley said during interview with Laura Ingraham.
“I mean, this is an argument that under the 14th Amendment, Donald Trump can be barred from running again, ever holding office in the federal government because he violated his oath. He supported an insurrection or rebellion.”
This isn’t the first time that Turley has used the word ‘dangerous’ to describe what Democrats are doing to Trump. Here he is on August 15th saying the same thing:
.@JonathanTurley on Trump GA Indictment: “It’s…dangerous. It essentially criminalizes challenges to elections.”
In a recent social media post, Charlie Kirk, the Founder and CEO of Turning Point USA, weighed in on the ongoing debate over former President Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for office in 2024. He suggested a countermove if Trump is removed from 2024 ballot based on 14th Amendment.
“”Legal scholars” are arguing that local elected officials at both the state and county level have the power to unilaterally remove Trump from the ballot on the basis of the 14th Amendment—WITHOUT even so much as a conviction,” Kirk wrote.
Kirk argued that if even one “radical Secretary of State or county official” attempts to remove Trump from the ballot, the right should be “equally prepared to remove Joe Biden from the ballot
“If even one radical Secretary of State or county official attempts to remove Trump from the ballot, the right must be equally prepared to remove Joe Biden from the ballot for selling out America and accepting bribes from foreign oligarchs. Remember, under their theory, no conviction is necessary. The counter move must be swift and forceful. There sure are a lot of red counties we could take off the chessboard in 2024,” Kirk added.
NEW—”Legal scholars” are arguing that local elected officials at both the state and county level have the power to unilaterally remove Trump from the ballot on the basis of the 14th Amendment—WITHOUT even so much as a conviction.
Trump has been indicted 4 times and is facing 91 felony counts but it’s not stopping him.
President Trump’s poll numbers continue to rise so the RINO-Democrat-Deep State establishment is throwing everything at him to prevent him from taking back the White House.
Scheme conscripts corporations into ‘machinery of death’
Joe Biden is warping the law adopted by Congress in order to require abortion support and advocacy from even those who oppose it, according to a new report.
The Washington Stand has documented how Biden is issuing new federal “rules” advancing the abortion industry’s interests under the guise of implementing a pro-life law.
“This is just a brazen attempt from this administration to force abortion even within a pro-life piece of legislation,” explained Roger Severino, vice president for Domestic Policy at The Heritage Foundation.
He was being interviewed on “Washington Watch” by former U.S. Rep. Jody Hice.
“Their creativity apparently knows no bounds when it comes to pushing abortion on the American people.”
The report explains that Biden has taken the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, intended to assure pregnant women of reasonable on-the-job accommodations related to “pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions” and issued a rule under it requiring employers with more than 15 workers to provide employees with “abortion-related leave.”
That essentially conscripts corporations into the nation’s “machinery of death,” the report said.
The Stand explains Biden is accomplishing the left’s political goals by redefining the words in the law.
Biden bureaucrats are insisting that the bill’s “definition of ‘pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions’ includes current pregnancy, past pregnancy, potential pregnancy, lactation (including breastfeeding and pumping), use of birth control, menstruation, infertility and fertility treatments, endometriosis, miscarriage, stillbirth, or having or choosing not to have an abortion, among other conditions.”
The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., said just months ago, “I want to say for the record, however, that under the act, under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, the EEOC, could not — could not — issue any regulation that requires abortion leave, nor does the act permit the EEOC to require employers to provide abortions in violation of state law.”
Casey explained at the time, “This legislation would provide commonsense protections for pregnant workers, like extra bathroom breaks or a stool for workers who stand, so they can continue working while not putting extra strain on their pregnancies.”
The Stand report charged that Biden is turning the bill’s intent on its head.
Severino said, “The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was a bill designed to protect pregnant workers. What is the opposite of pregnancy? Abortion. Yet this administration, through the EEOC’s proposed regulation, is saying that abortion is going to be a protected, enshrined right that workers will have a right to an accommodation even in pro-life states.”
He warned the Biden agenda promoters “going to recruit employers as part of this machinery of death.”
He said, “The Biden administration is taking something that is meant to protect life, the giving of life” and using it to promote procedures that kill.
Julie Marie Blake, of the ADF, added, “The new law is pro-life, certainly, but in the most holistic way possible: it exists to help every pregnant woman thrive in both her calling as a mother and her calling as a worker. But now, at the behest of the abortion industry, the Biden administration is trying to hitch an abortion mandate to this profoundly pro-woman, pro-life legislation.”
Kristan Hawkins, chief of Students for Life Action, told The Stand, “The Biden administration won’t be happy until abortion pervades every aspect of our lives, as evidenced by their attempt to sneak abortion — the ending of a new human life — into a program that is about the exact opposite: supporting the growth of a new human life.
“It doesn’t get much more backwards than that, but that’s exactly what we’ve seen time and again from this administration.”
The eco-push to use paper straws has been a favorite to tug at the heartstrings of school kids with their, “Save the turtles” campaigns urging consumers to give up their plastic counterparts.
A new study on the safety of paper straws, however, may usher in a “Save the humans” campaign.
The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Food Additives and Contaminants ,suggests paper straws may contain “forever chemicals” harmful to both humans and the environment.
Belgian researchers tested 39 straw brands from restaurants and retailers for synthetic chemicals known as poly and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The study found that the majority of straws contained those chemicals, but they were most common in those made from paper and bamboo.
The chemicals are referred to as “forever chemicals” as they can remain for thousands of years in the environment. The chemicals have been associated with health issues including thyroid disease, increased cholesterol, liver damage and kidney and testicular cancer and can harm the environment as well.
Researcher Dr Thimo Groffen, an environmental scientist at the University of Antwerp involved in this study shared, “Straws made from plant-based materials, such as paper and bamboo, are often advertised as being more sustainable and eco-friendly than those made from plastic.”
“However, the presence of PFAS in these straws means that’s not necessarily true.”
“Small amounts of PFAS, while not harmful in themselves, can add to the chemical load already present in the body,” continued Groffen.
Today we have a special J6 biography write up, for a Jan 6 patriot behind the scenes who has given up everything for the cause of liberty.
James Brett, an avid Florida patriot and Proud Boy, is also the producer of the documentaries on that hundreds of thousands of The Gateway Pundit readers have watched & shared!
Jimmy, as the J6 community loving calls him, has a heart wrenching story that might bring tears to yours eyes, keep him in your prayers!
James went to DC on January 6, 2021 after praying intensely with a fellow patriot and brother. His intention for attending the rally in Washington DC was simply to redress his grievances and keep protestors safe from Antifa, notorious for attacking Trump supporters at political protests and rallies.
There are many things that Jimmy has done in his life and for his community, but now he feels that all are irrelevant in comparison to our fight for survival against the tyrants in DC.
All in all, the most prized title in his life is “Dad.” Jimmy is a father of 5 kids. He has 3 boys and 2 girls ranging in age from 2 to 16. He has based his life on service to others, faith in God and love of Country. He has a loving fiance whom he has had to postpone marrying for fear of the government destroying her financially if he goes to prison, and the Federal Prosecutors have constantly been threatening to superseded him in a feeble attempt to break his resolve. Jimmy says their intense coercion tactics are incredibly dangerous and unAmerican!
Jimmy is a relentless entrepreneur and an ever hopeful believer in the American dream. He owned local newspapers and an internet marketing business prior to being arrested. All of his local businesses were destroyed by the left through doxxing and the media attention resulting from his arrest. His large family is now suffering immensely from these vicious attacks by leftists and the Government.
On June 3, 2022 his home was raided by the FBI for his attendance at the Capitol on January 6th 2021. He, his finance, and their 1 1/2 year old daughter were removed at gunpoint. Dozens of agents broke door frames, doors and personal property while clearing the house. The Biden Gestapo and his weaponized DOJ was sure to try to abuse and traumatize this American family as much as possible.
On January 6, Jimmy was peaceful, did not enter, vandalize, or take anything from the Capitol grounds. He is now one of over 1200 Political prisoners targeted by a corrupt regime.
Since his arrest, he has had to re-brand his businesses and has started the America First Newspaper. He has supported his fellow J6ers and the patriot movement by telling his story everywhere he can and assisting them in telling theirs. Starting over again has had a devastating impact on his family and their financial well-being. Rents have been raised, and even their family car repossessed – about 80% of their previous income was lost in an instant.
Day to day life has been a struggle to say the least. Jim continues to trudge forward toward his approaching trial in early 2024. He maintains that through Christian faith and the support of the January 6 community, this chapter of his life will only make him stronger and more resolute as a patriot.
Please visit Jimmy’s GiveSendGo & help out as much as possible, their family is eternally grateful for the Gateway Pundit patriots prayers & support.