Friday, August 21, 2020

Teachers could be forced to stay in the classroom after COVID-19 exposure

What do you do if you really want schools open in person but it’s going to be impossible to keep staffing them if teachers have to quarantine every time they’re exposed to COVID-19? If you’re Donald Trump, you certainly don’t reassess the push to have schools open in person. No, you declare that teachers shouldn't quarantine after COVID-19 exposure.

Trump administration guidance classifies teachers as “critical infrastructure workers,” which means they can be kept on the job despite direct coronavirus exposure “provided they remain asymptomatic and additional precautions are implemented to protect them and the community.” When you consider that a few weeks into the school year Mississippi had 589 teachers in quarantine, this could really get the open-at-all-costs crowd out of a bind. 

Some districts in Tennessee and Georgia had already planned to keep teachers in the classroom rather than having them quarantine. 

“It essentially means if we are exposed and we know we might potentially be positive, we still have to come to school and we might at that point be carriers and spreaders,” a Tennessee high school teacher told the Associated Press.

Yep—and Donald Trump doesn’t care. He’s got Republican governors like Florida's Ron DeSantis on his side in pushing for schools to open in person no matter the danger. 

This Republican push is not overwhelmingly popular. A new poll from Morning Consult found that 52% of adults opposed in-person instruction this fall. The vast majority supported hybrid, online-only, or homeschool learning.

from Daily Kos

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