Thursday, October 15, 2020

Never Before Has There Been One Tweet That So Brilliantly Summed Up 2020 Election in Only 2-Short Sentences

Every once in a while you stumble upon a tweet of pure genius…Something that just sums all the confusion and noise into 2 perfectly brilliant and spot-on sentences.

Well, folks, I found that tweet and I literally rushed to get it to you.

This is so good that I actually wish President Trump would use it at his rallies.


As you know, we’re in the midst of an October Nuclear Fallout Storm involving Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter, who appears to have been selling access to his father in order to line his (and his dad’s) pockets.

We’re discovering this information thanks to an old hard drive from Hunter’s laptop that Rudy Giuliani got his hands on.

What’s been revealed is a shocking display of “pay to play” and gross abuse of power, the likes of which we’ve never seen.

Here we have this strung-out junkie rich kid using his Dad’s name and power to cut deals for himself and then splitting the cut with dear old dad.

It’s corruption and criminality beyond anything we’ve seen before from these DC scumbags.

And JT Lewis, a school safety advocate summed the entire election up in a nutshell of two sentences.

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Here’s what he said: “If Trump wins, America is open for business! If Joe wins, Hunter Biden is open for business!”

That’s it, folks.

He nailed it.

If Trump wins, America is open and thriving…If Joe wins, we’re closed and the only people who will win, are him and his junkie son.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this moment in time summed up better in just two sentences. I hope you enjoyed it and are inspired to keep fighting!


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