Friday, October 9, 2020

Shameful Hacks: Morning Joe Lobbies for 25th Amendment to Oust Trump

On Friday morning, the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe admitted they were eager for yet another way to get President Trump out of office with this time coming, less than a month prior to the election. Joe Scarborough revealed that wife and co-host Mika Brzezinski, inspired by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s outrageous claims that the President is in an “altered state,” had been giddy about the possibility of a 25th Amendment invocation for Trump to relieve himself of his duties as President, even if it’s just temporary: “[E]very morning she has wanted to utter… the words ‘25th Amendment’ and I say, ‘honey, you can’t say that every day.’ And she says, ‘honey, I can if I feel like it.’” It sounds like Brzezinski’s hatred for Trump is so fervent that she would feel relieved if even Mike Pence could replace him as President for a few days. Brzezinski’s optimism was infectious, so Scarborough decided to get viewers on board by citing precedent: He’s not—it does not sound like he’s equipped right now to be President of the United States. And may not be until his steroid treatment runs its course. George W. Bush turned over the Presidency during procedures to Dick Cheney twice and it’s happened before, it happened with Ronald Reagan. And I think it’s safe for a lot of Americans, fair for a lot of Americans to say, shouldn’t this guy just take a rest for a week and let Mike Pence assume the presidency until he gets better? Brzezinski echoed this sentiment awhile later: “This man is crazy. He’s not well. He’s cruel. And everything that he appears to be saying and doing is leading to a place where, why wouldn’t anyone and everyone who could, be considering the 25th Amendment right now?” Wow. Despite the election being only 25 days away, the Morning Joe crew will be damned if can’t do something to get President Trump out of office before the end of his term. No wonder they have been so angry about his recovery and attacking the White House doctors. Morning Joe’s shameless partisanship was brought to you by Sleep Number, Emergen-C, and Applebee’s. Contact them to tell them what you think of their participation. Read the transcript below: Morning Joe 10/9/20 6:04:18 AM JOE SCARBOROUGH: But for her, I am not allowed her to utter the phrase ‘25th Amendment’, you know, because every morning she has wanted to utter— MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Been right all along. SCARBOROUGH: --the words ‘25th Amendment’ and I say, ‘honey, you can’t say that every day.’ And she says, ‘honey I can if I feel like it.’ 6:07:07 AM SCARBOROUGH: He’s not—it does not sound like he’s equipped right now to be President of the United States. And may not be until his steroid treatment runs its course. George W. Bush turned over the Presidency during procedures to Dick Cheney twice and it’s happened before, it happened with Ronald Reagan. And I think it’s safe for a lot of Americans, fair for a lot of Americans to say, shouldn’t this guy just take a rest for a week and let Mike Pence assume the Presidency until he gets better? BRZEZINSKI: As long as Mike Pence is okay. SCARBOROUGH: If Mike Pence is okay, we don’t know that right now either. 7:18:35 AM BRZEZINSKI: This man is crazy. He’s not well. He’s cruel. And everything that he appears to be saying and doing is leading to a place where, why wouldn’t anyone and everyone who could, be considering the 25th Amendment right now?

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