Wednesday, October 7, 2020

This Stunning Turn of Events in the Michigan Senate Race Has Nervous Chuck Schumer Scrambling

A new poll from Trafalgar (a very reputable pollster that does not conduct media “marketing” polls) has Republican James and Democrat Gary Peterson in a dead heat right now, with a slight, slight edge to James.

Trafalgar has James at 47.3 and incumbent Democrat Peters at 42.7.


And that has Chucky Schumer very nervous…and according to Fox News, Chuck is “scrambling.”

Dems are now reportedly “scrambling” to save Peters.

From Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: John James, the Michigan Senate GOP candidate, raised $14 million in the third quarter and is within “striking distance” of upsetting incumbent Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., according to a Tuesday campaign memo obtained by Fox News.

In a sign of the competitive race, the super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is pumping $5.4 million into ad spending in Michigan this week alone to help bolster Peters, the memo authored by James’ campaign also revealed.

“Chuck Schumer’s Senate Majority PAC will spend $5.4 million in one week — this is the most money they are spending on any Democrat in the entire nation,” James’ general consultant, Stu Sandler, wrote in a confidential memo obtained by Fox News. “They are very nervous about John James, and they should be.”

Sandler obtained the Democrats’ spending information from James’ ad buyers, he said. The Senate Majority PAC, which is trying to flip the Senate blue, did not comment on the amount of spending in Michigan this week. But Democrats offered statements expressing confidence Peters will win the support from Michigan voters.

“John James is the handpicked candidate of Mitch McConnell, Betsy DeVos, and the out-of-state billionaires and corporate special interests who are trying to buy this Senate seat,” said Stewart Boss, spokesperson for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “Voters are going to reject James again next month because they know he’s tried to deceive them about his harmful agenda to repeal their health care and can’t be trusted to put Michigan families ahead of his party leaders and donors in Washington.”

It’s curious – if the country is choosing Biden by 16% as the pollsters claim, why would this race be so close?

Why would the Dems be “scrambling” to dump over $5 million bucks in one week in Michigan, if everything was hunky-dory for them?

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Bloomberg TV Cuts Rudy Giuliani’s Mic the Second He Starts Shredding Them “You’re So Phony….”

The media, Dems, and pollsters are working overtime to try and sell their narrative to the American people..and what’s that narrative?

That Biden has a “real” campaign which is popular and viable.

It’s not real and it’s not popular and everything they tell you is a lie.



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