Friday, October 2, 2020

Trump Jr. and Sean Hannity really enjoyed joking about COVID-19 precautions on debate night

First it leaked that Hope Hicks, one of Donald Trump’s closest White House advisers, tested positive for COVID-19. Then Trump and Melania announced that they too were sick with the virus. Then it trickled out that Trump’s White House had tried to keep Hope HIcks’ positive test a secret before everyone started testing positive. At this point, where and who the Trumps and the White House have contracted the virus from and spread it to is an enormous question.

Now, as reports filter in that Trump’s symptoms have moved from “mild” to progressing to being moved to Walter Reed, just how serious this virus can be is hopefully dawning on a certain percentage of the population who has been unwilling to pay attention up until now. No one is immune to this disease, and the public health and safety precautions that have been pushed by health and science experts have not been followed by this administration. An example of the loosey-goosey handling of this crisis by Trump’s White House and hangers-on could be seen on Tuesday’s debate night. 

Trump Jr. appeared on Sean Hannity’s show, both men without masks, sitting fewer than four feet from one another. In all honesty, their proximity to each other was so intimate that even if there was no pandemic, one might think they were sitting too close together for an interview. But these two dunderheads thought the best way to point this out for the Fox News community was to joke it up. Upon introducing Trump Jr., Hannity joked that they had both been tested as Junior offered up his elbow to bump in salutation, and Junior joked: “I don’t want to get it, they’ll throw us in the gulag,” to which Hannity smiled, saying: “Yeah, where’s my mask?” And they laughed and laughed.

Junior’s joke makes no sense—I mean, who is “they” in that joke? Trump is the head of the executive branch of the government and he has a real complicit attorney general in William Barr below him. So who exactly will be throwing you in the “gulag?”

Nobody knows if Junior or Hannity will test (or have ever tested) positive for COVID-19, but one thing is for sure: They will both be getting no fewer than two tests in these coming hours and days.

from Daily Kos

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