Monday, October 12, 2020

[VIDEO] Biden Supporters at “Drive-in Rally” Sit in Their Cars “Socially Distancing” While in a Parking Lot

I understand that some people are still very nervous and afraid of catching COVID.

The media has done a number on a lot of people and really scared the beejeezus out of them.

I get that some people need to wear masks because they’re scared.


I also understand social distancing – especially if you’re high-risk.

All of this stuff “computes” with me, even though I may not subscribe to this way of thinking because I have seen what the media and Dems have done to scare the life out of people.

However, I draw the line at social distancing your parked car…

When you start doing that, you’ve lost your mind and you need mental help.

…and that’s exactly what happened at a very low-attended Biden “drive-in rally today in Toledo, Ohio.

MORE NEWS:  [VIDEO] For the Second Time, Joe Biden Tells America He’s a “Proud Democrat Running For Senate”

I think there were about 30-40 cars there in the parking lot of the UAW Hall in Toledo, Ohio, and all of the cars were “social distanced.” Meaning they were parked one car spot away.

I guess the virus can bust inside cars now, huh?

The media and Dems have destroyed people so badly, that now even people locked up in their cars are scared to be around other people…this virus – with a 99.8% survival rate – is really destroying so many people in worse ways than just catching the bug.

You can watch the video below:

Here’s what some people had to say about the small crowd and the “social distancing” in cars:

“Yeap, folks are trying to convince the country that Biden has a double digit lead.”

“10s of cars”

“Fish fries at a VFW have had more robust outburst.”

“Wow, jazzed crowd!”

“There is a massive silent majority of Biden supporters who have stayed hidden in their basements for the entire campaign. Either that or he’s just losing badly.”

“Ugh, the car horns! Libturds are obnoxious in every way they conduct themselves, car rallies no exception”

“The cars are socially distanced.”

“This brings stupid to a higher level.”

“He got a legit 30 people! LOL”

“Oh no… the person is serious. This is one of Biden’s biggest rallies to date LMAO”

“Why did they social distance the cars?”

“Cars sneeze thru their exhaust pipes.”

“An entire parking lot where even the cars are socially distancing. Impressive.”

“I have more cars in my driveway”

“Where are all the people from those busses? Nice optics but what about social distancing? What about a mask isn’t enough?”

“You can feel the “Joementum”

“Are they social distancing their cars? Really”

“they look completely ridiculous with the vehicle distancing. clowns.”

“The cars are social distancing.”

Liberals always do this – they take something and just go way too far and push it to the point of absurdity.

They’ve now turned “COVD” into a creepy religious cult.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Jim Acosta Can’t Contain His Anger As Trump Crowd Chants “CNN Sucks” Behind Him During Live Shot

It’s one thing to be safe and mindful, it’s another to be completely INSANE.

What’s next? A huge “mask” for your car’s front bumper?

This is not normal. No wonder these weirdos are voting for Biden.

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