Saturday, November 7, 2020

Echoes Of 2016

A couple of reader emails, the first one fun, the second especially poignant. Both connect this day to the awful experience of election night 2016.

TPM Reader SM:

In October of 2016 a friend gave me a Trump piñata and we had a party on Election Day evening to watch the returns and celebrate the election of the first female president, with plans to smash it.

You know how that turned out.

The piñata has been in the back of my closet since that night. Tomorrow we are having a stay-apart-y with the neighbors and SMASHING IT TO BITS. I don’t even care if the candy is  stale. To paraphrase, sometimes revenge is a dish which is best served stale.

Oh happy day.

TPM Reader RR:

I spent the evening of the 2016 election with my best friend, a wine and food journo. He placed a bottle of a 1970s Bordeaux on the coffee table with the intent of opening it when HRC was announced the winner.  It was never opened of course. He died 2 years later after a cancer battle and his brother gave me that bottle. It will be opened tonight though and a glass for him poured. Its original owner must be dancing in Heaven while insisting on the proper stemware.

Cheers, RR.


from Talking Points Memo

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