Thursday, November 5, 2020

Seal Who Killed Osama Bin Laden Delivers Most Savage Message to Global Elites During This Election Crisis That You’ll Ever Hear 

The Navy Seal who killed Osama Bin Laden is as fed up and disgusted with what the globalist elites are doing to this country with this election steal as the rest of us.

But he has a very unique perspective and he shared it online and it lit up social media instantly.


It’s one of the most brutal messages, but oh-so-true, and very fitting, especially since we’re battling to keep a duly elected president who is against wars, in office.

Here’s what Rob said: “I cannot believe that we invaded Iraq for these fucking people…”

Here are some of the comments to his firey and true tweet:

“Well if Biden gets in I’m sure there will be another needless conflict in the ME and more countless unnecessary dead American Soldiers. Hey @GOP
do you have any Balls at ALL? Sincerely, 68 Million Pissed Off Constituents P.S.: Prepared to be primaried if you don’t back Trump.”

“What is going on here is deadly serious. Our Country is at war with the Chinese backed cabal stealing our Republic right in front of our eyes. People need to wake up, and fast!!!!”

“Billy Kristol is salivating at a new chance to target some piece of sand or jungle most have never heard of”

“It’s TRUE! Every Republican senator should also, be doing their part. Most got elected because of Trump! Shameful “

“Just said something similar this morning, that I didn’t serve in the military for this type of shit to happen here!”

MORE NEWS: Actress Kirstie Alley Says Get Rid of “Coattail Riding” Fraud Republicans Who Are Silent During This Election Crisis

Rob also took a pot-shot at the frauds and traitors over at Fox News:

Here’s what he said: “I’m so excited to bet on football this week! I’m gonna pull a “Fox News” and just say my team won at kickoff…”

What we’re dealing with now is a CIA-style psyop, and they – the media (yes, Fox included) Dems, election officials, and even parts of the GOP will work overtime to convince you that everything is lost and Biden is the true victor.

I am here to tell you that it’s not lost, and Biden did not win.

Tune that out, and keep fighting.

What can you do to fight?

Share information, crush their narrative, call out the steal, and don’t sit around like lumps on a log feeling sad and defeated.

Fight for Trump, your country, and your family by letting your voice be heard.

It will get darker before the dawn. Hold the line and we will win.


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