Friday, March 19, 2021

Biden’s Foreign Policy Disaster in Alaska with China Was Worse than Initially Reported — With Video


Yesterday’s meeting with China in Alaska was even worse than first reported. 

The Chinese destroyed the Biden gang.  They know they are weak and led by a senile old man.

‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’ – China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil (VIDEO)

Making things even worse, before falling three times on Marine One steps, Biden claimed his team did well:

Joe Biden Says He is “Proud” of Secretary of State Blinken For Being Humiliated by Chinese Envoy on American Soil (VIDEO)

But this was all a farce, just like the 2020 election. 

The Conservative Treehouse reported it this way:

To say the first major diplomatic summit between the United States and China was an unmitigated mess would be an understatement. Apparently, U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinkin thought it would be of value for the domestic audience if he was to lambast the Beijing delegation in public and on camera. His efforts were a complete fail as the Chinese knew everything was presented for domestic consumption… so, the Red Dragon threw fire right back onto the purple hair and obviously stunned an unsettled U.S. Secretary…

…Public insults are expressions of weakness, not strength.

It was visibly obvious that Secretary Blinken stupidly did not anticipate the Chinese officials would retaliate in their remarks responding to him…

…Additionally, despite Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s criticism of China, there was not one word on Beijing’s responsibility for the coronavirus. Nothing about China allowing COVID to become a dangerous pandemic, and no criticism of Beijing for their continued refusal to cooperate with international investigations of the origins of the virus, including inspections of the Wuhan bio-labs.

Overall this was a pathetic (weak) and sophomoric (feeble) attempt at diplomatic confrontation; while being disrespectful and completely devoid of fact points to frame the purpose of the diplomatic meeting. The first rule in any negotiation or confrontation is to use the behavior, the accepted empirical action of your adversary, against them.

Here’s more video on the disastrous encounter.

The Biden team looks like 5th graders against the Chinese – a far cry from the Trump years when President Trump had China begging for a trade deal on Trump’s terms before China dropped the China coronavirus on the entire world.

The post Biden’s Foreign Policy Disaster in Alaska with China Was Worse than Initially Reported — With Video appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

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