Thursday, March 18, 2021

Liberal Court Reinstates Conviction of General Flynn’s Former Business Partner Whose Ultimate Crime Was Outing a Terrorist Who Obama Was Protecting in the US

The Mueller gang lives on.  Two Obama Judges and a Bush judge reinstated the bogus conviction of General Michael Flynn’s one-time business partner, Bijan Kian.

Newsmax reported yesterday:

A federal appeals court on Thursday reinstated the conviction of a one-time business partner of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for acting as an unregistered agent of the Turkish government.

A jury in Alexandria convicted Bijan Kian at a 2019 trial. After the conviction, though, the trial judge, Anthony Trenga, intervened and overturned the conviction.

He ruled that there was no way a rational jury could have concluded from the evidence that Kian was a foreign agent acting under the control of Turkey.

This case came from the corrupt Mueller gang:

The case spun off from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian election interference.

Prosecutors alleged Kian and Flynn were acting at Turkey’s behest when they undertook a project to discredit an exiled cleric, Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in the U.S.

But a Federal Appeals Court made up of two Obama Judges and an H. W. Bush judge decided to step in on behalf of the corrupt Mueller gang:

Judge James Wynn, an Obama appointee, wrote that the trial judge “gave insufficient deference to the ‘almost invariable assumption of the law’ that the jury was capable of following its … instructions.”

Judges Paul Niemayer, a George H.W. Bush appointee, and Barbara Milano Keenan, an Obama appointee, joined in Wynn’s opinion.

We wrote in July 2019 on the truth behind General Flynn and Bijan Kian’s indictments.

Based on a June 2019 report at Neonrevolt, we reported the following:

In November 2016 after the 2016 election, General Flynn wrote an op-ed for the Hill. In the piece, Flynn wrote –

The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once called his “friend” in a well circulated video.

Flynn then shared a video of President Clinton claiming that the shady mullah is a friend of the US –

Flynn then shared:

Gülen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a radical Islamist. He has publicly boasted about his “soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs them to do. If he were in reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government.

Flynn then compared Gulen to leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and “Turkey’s Osama Bin Laden”.  He discussed how Gulen brought into the US numerous individuals to run his charter schools he set up:

To add insult to injury, American taxpayers are helping finance Gülen’s 160 charter schools in the United States. These schools have been granted more H1-B visas than Google. It is inconceivable that our visa officers have approved thousands of visas for English teachers whose English is incomprehensible. A CBS “60 Minutes” program documented a conversation with one such imported English teacher from Turkey. Several lawsuits, including some in Ohio and Texas, point to irregularities in the operation of these schools.

Flynn then dropped this bomb about the Clinton Foundation’s relationship with this terrorist:

However, funding seems to be no problem for Gülen’s network. Hired attorneys work to keep the lucrative government source of income for Gülen and his network going. Influential charities such as Cosmos Foundation continue their support for Gulen’s charter schools.

Incidentally, Cosmos Foundation is a major donor to Clinton Foundation. No wonder Bill Clinton calls Mullah Gülen “his friend.” It is now no secret that Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s close aide and confidante, worked for 12 years as the associate editor for a journal published by the London-based Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs. This institute has promoted the thoughts of radical Muslim thinkers such as Qutb, al Bana and others.

Neonrevolt noted a New York Times article that discusses the terrorist organization in the US, led by Gulen. What is happening is this:

The taxpayers fund the school system

The school abuses the H1-B visa program to import “teachers.”

The “teachers” get paid by taxpayers.

The “teachers” then donate 40% of their paychecks BACK to the Gulen Movement.

And Gulen goes and donates a chunk of this change back to the Clinton Foundation… while also trying to subvert and overthrow the Turkish government.

Neonrevolt then noted some statistics on the corruption in the US related to the Gulen group.

Gulenists’ contributions to congressional campaigns have been known for some time, as Buzzfeed reported last year. Texas Reps. Sheila Jackson-Lee, and Henry Cuellar, both Democrats, are among the biggest benefactors of Gulen contributions.

USA Today reported last month that the House ethics committee has investigated more than 200 trips taken by members of Congress since 2008 that were secretly funded by Gulen groups.

Clinton has been the biggest recipient of Gulenist donations of any presidential candidate this cycle, federal election records show.

General Flynn and his one-time associate were targeted because they reported on the terrorist’ ‘actions and protection by the Clintons and the Obama Administration.  Flynn was reduced to providing information to the corrupt Mueller gang based on the Mueller gang withholding material information that the Mueller gang was legally obliged to provide in his case.  Mueller’s goons then used the General to support the Trump – Russia collusion lie they were knowingly pushing and to attempt to tie his partner to some made-up crimes related to Turkey.

It is likely that the Obama judges never even considered that any information in Kian’s case was obtained illegally by the Mueller gang by setting up and withholding legally mandated information from General Flynn. 

How can Kian be charged when the information obtained to charge him was obtained illegally?

The post Liberal Court Reinstates Conviction of General Flynn’s Former Business Partner Whose Ultimate Crime Was Outing a Terrorist Who Obama Was Protecting in the US appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

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