Friday, June 4, 2021

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Non-Profits and Secret State Election Groups Met with the UN to Discuss 2020 Election Cybersecurity – Now Same Groups Are Working Against State Audits

Members of some of the Democrat’s most connected non-profits met with UN officials before the 2020 election.  Now the same groups are trying to derail the audits moving forward across the nation.

What were Harri Hursti, Ph.D., election cybersecurity expert and computer scientist, and Elizabeth Howard, Esq., Cybersecurity and Elections Counsel at the radical Brennan Center for Justice in Manhattan, doing when they gave a briefing on election cybersecurity to a U.N. committee of international election observers in Washington, D.C., just three days before the U.S mid-term elections in 2018?

Hursti was recently in the news after being selected one of three auditors in the partisan audit team selected by New Hampshire officials.  Hursti’s fellow auditors who selected him for the job have ties to both Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D).  This group just finished auditing the Town of Windham’s 2020 election and, after observing that team’s unprofessional audit practices, citizens are now demanding a statewide forensic audit of all of NH’s elections.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Windham, New Hampshire 2020 Election Audit Was Over Before It Started – Two of Three Auditors Have Conflicts with Pelosi and Schumer

Liz Howard, like Marc Elias from DNC-favored Perkins Coie, is one of the elite, activist, election attorneys the far-left deploys whenever tough election issues of the national Democratic machine need fixing. Case in point, she is one of the three observers the Soros-backed Arizona Secretary of State (SoS) Katie Hobbs (D) specifically deployed to the floor of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, site of the Arizona Senate’s forensic audit, to be her eyes and ears.

EXCLUSIVE: The Entity Behind the Effort to Stop the Maricopa Audit Revealed – The National Task Force on Election Crisis

Subsequently, Howard was one of the Democrat-elite signers onto an April 29, unfounded and vicious nonprofit letter of complaint – which implied there might even be criminal activity going! – to the Election Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice. This was one of four such attack letters sent by Democrat-co-opted U.S. nonprofits, led off by Perkins Coie on April 6, to harass Arizona Senate President Karen Fann (R), three of which Howard personally signed.

Joe Schaeffer of the World Tribune, in his November 8, 2020, nonprofit exposé, Soros-funded organizations have assisted with election security in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, exposed the Brennan Center and its radical attorneys as being “tethered to the Soros spider web” of co-opted U.S. nonprofits.

Why were Harri Hursti and Elizabeth Howard together, two-and-a-half years ago, briefing – not simply part of a panel discussion – but briefing a roomful of U.N. international election observers about election cybersecurity who, in three days’ time, were to travel across the U.S., collecting data about our mid-term elections for the U.N.?

To try and answer that question, you need to have answers to two more questions first, who from within the United States during the Trump administration in 2018 brought in the U.N. to observe our mid-term elections and why did they come back in 2020 with COVID-19 raging, for still more “observation,” this time of our presidential elections on November 3, 2020?

The U.N. committee in question is the OSCE PA / ODIHR chaired by Isabel Santos. This stands for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe  Parliamentary Assembly / the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, which “established a Limited Election Observation Mission (LEOM) to observe the 6 November 2018 mid-term congressional elections.”

A report from the OSCE PA / ODIHR states it was invited in by the government of the United States of America. The U.S. Department of State out of “respect for its relevant international obligations and OSCE commitments,” stated its commitment to assisting this committee during an April 12, 2018 address to the U.N. Permanent Council in Vienna.

Surprisingly, our own U.S. Mission to the OSCE reads right out of a globalist’s playbook, “The United States strongly supports the work of the OSCE and views it as the paramount instrument for building a region of stable, open societies in which every country lives at peace with its neighbors.

The ODIHR describes itself as the:

OSCE’s principal institution to assist participating States ‘to ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, to abide by the rule of law, to promote principles of democracy and (…) to build, strengthen and protect democratic institutions, as well as promote tolerance throughout society’ (1992 Helsinki Summit Document). This is referred to as the OSCE human dimension.

The ODIHR, which conducts these election observation missions, “assesse[s] compliance of the election process with OSCE commitments and other international obligations and standards for democratic elections” and “observes elections, reviews legislation and advises governments on how to develop and sustain democratic institutions.”

This is very troubling to learn that the U.S. is supposed to comply with international standards for “democratic elections” established by this U.N. committee and that they review and even provide advice upon our own federal and states’ election laws.

The LEOM team consisted of “a 14-member core team based in Washington D.C. and 36 long-term observers.
It was joined by “an 83-member delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to form an International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) … In total, the IEOM deployed 136 observers from 34 OSCE participating States and one Partner for Co-operation.

The U.N. committee’s literature and its 2018 reports about U.S. elections are littered with the term “civil society” which, like the term “open society” should place you, who treasure and defend American sovereignty, on red alert.

It also, strangely, shares many of the same progressive election reform goals which far-left Democrats have been busy implementing all across the U.S. In fact, its overall recommendations for the U.S. elections’ processes reads like the To Do list of that spiderweb of U.S., Democrat-controlled “election integrity” nonprofits, of which the Brennan Center is the actual spider in the middle, pulling all the strings.

It appears the OSCE PA regularly deploys these international “observer delegation[s] for election day observation” to all of OSCE’s participating nations, to make sure they are towing the U.N. line and conducting their democracies’ elections in a manner proscribed by and approved of by the U.N.

Of course, we don’t have a democracy we, in the United States, we have a Constitutional Republic form of government, so take their advice with a large grain of salt or ignore it totally.

The OSCE PA ODIHR 2018 reports seemed politely irritable with the fact that there is no federal entity that oversees U.S. elections and that, instead, as per our Constitution, the states each administer the collective 10,500 or so U.S. jurisdictions. In addition, the lack of procedural uniformity in elections, from one central source, clearly disturbed this U.N. group.

The ODIHR claims to be highly credible in the field, yet in the 2018 interim report it had footnoted examples of alleged egregious pre-election statements by candidates which singled out, almost exclusively, President Donald Trump and Republican candidates!

In that same report, as examples of “active grassroots movements” leading to increased participation in elections, it only listed Black Lives Matter#MeToo and March for Our Lives, all radical, and in some cases, violent, far-left movements. They simply ignored any Conservative activity whatsoever.

This U.N. report is ginning for Washington, D.C. to be granted state status. In addition, it is a public relations arm of the National Popular Vote Act, a move by hardcore Democrats and socialists to do away with the electoral college entirely and elect U.S. presidents via the popular vote. Approved by 16 states’ legislatures and Washington D.C., the NPVA would destroy an essential component of our Constitution and it would destroy our election process.

This U.N. committee’s recommendations and reports about our 2018 elections are garbage!

The observers, called interlocutors by the U.N., many socialist-leaning themselves, have been influenced, almost exclusively so, by Democrats, and their socialist and communist allies from within the United States.

So who, from within the government of the United States of America, wanted this international election team to muck about in our elections? Why did they come back in 2020?

Officially, it was the United States Mission to the OSCE which invited in this U.N. team, backed by the Department of StateBuried within the reports, however, you find that it was two nonprofits that were singled out for special thanks by ODIHR in the text of the report: the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) and the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED). The only other entity singled out for thanks was the Dept. of State.

The ODIHR LEOM wishes to thank the authorities of the United States for the invitation to observe the elections, and the Department of State, the National Association of Secretaries of States, and the National Association of State Election Directors for their assistance.

In addition, the committee actually met with NASS and NASED officials when it did its Needs Assessment Mission from May 21-25, 2018, again, the only non-governmental organizations to be thus singled out (p. 9) in the text of the report itself.

The ODIHR LEOM commenced its work in Washington, DC, on 3 October. The Head of Mission has met with the Department of State, Department of Justice, Federal Election Commission, National Association of Secretaries of State, National Association of State Election Directors, and members of the diplomatic community, among others.

The report even cites a NASS resolution: “A National Association of Secretaries of State 2015 resolution welcomes ‘OSCE international election observers from the OSCE member countries to observe elections in states where allowed by state law’.

It is troubling and, in fact, shocking to find out, given the extreme partisanship, out-and-out corruption, and even possible criminal behavior of certain secretaries of state and election officials which we are seeing revealed, post the 2020 election, that it was NASS, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit “trade group” for secretaries of state (SoS) and NASED, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit “trade group” for election officials which appear to be the driving forces behind U.N. interlocutors, as they are called by the U.N.

These foreigners from the U.N., with a far-left bias, were inside our country’s borders, intimately examining our election systems, our election laws, our election equipment, our election cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and our actual elections!

The activities of these two nonprofits, NASS and NASED – whether governmental or something else we don’t know about – fall outside of public oversight. Where does their money come from? Where does it go to? Are they accepting foreign dollars and foreign contracts? How would we ever even know!

What are these quasi-governmental, charitable nonprofits, which are required by law to remain nonpartisan, doing behind the backs of the public?

NASS’s board is made up entirely of elected secretaries of state. NASED’s board is made up entirely of election officials, who may be chief election officers, but who are not secretaries of state.

There are no checks & balances upon the activities of these two boards and upon the nonprofits themselves. They operate outside of public scrutiny. As a telling point, both NASS and NASED are very late in submitting their IRS Form 990s, keeping the public in the dark about the little it can glean from these tax documents!

These two nonprofits represent all of the people – the leadership – which controls our elections in every state in the United States.

What if these two nonprofits have been co-opted and corrupted, as has happened to so many nonprofits in the United States? Or, what if just a handful of corrupted public election officials took control, or got control of the finances, what kind of activities might be going on, secretly, which would evade detection?

It was former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a February 8, 2020 speech who sounded the alarm about foreign influence and aggressive deal-making occurring through the National Governors Association, in that case with the CCP.

Joe Schaeffer, again, from the World Tribune covered this story brilliantly on December 20, 2020, Arizona Gov. Ducey to China: ‘Lots of opportunities to exploit ‘our defense industry, mining and ores’.

If there is corruption and foreign influence occurring through one type of nonprofit which represents U.S. elected officials and governors, then is it a hard stretch of the imagination to believe that the same type of corruption and influence-peddling and deal-making could be occurring through NASS and NASED, which, together, represent all of our country’s top election officials, who, collectively, control our American elections.

What sort of corruption, influence peddling, and deal-making took place between the NASS, the NASED, and the U.N.’s OSCE PA / ODIHR, and what did they do that wasn’t reported on?   Within 24 hours we will provide a follow-up to this article with more shocking news.

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Non-Profits and Secret State Election Groups Met with the UN to Discuss 2020 Election Cybersecurity – Now Same Groups Are Working Against State Audits appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

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