Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Minnesota Woman Fights for Freedom of Her Husband and Three Sons After Being Raided Over Jan. 6 Protest

Westbury Brothers, Provided by Rosemarie Westbury

**  Those who wish to contribute to the family’s legal battle can do so here.

The political witch hunt against January 6 protesters has led to a Minnesota woman fighting for the freedom of her husband and three sons.

Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Rosemarie Westbury described the nightmare her family has been enduring since they traveled to DC to stand up for what they believed in.

Rosemarie’s husband Robert Westbury, 62, their sons Isaac Westbury, 19, Jonah Westbury, 26, and Aaron James, 35, have all since been arrested in no-knock raids. She was also present in DC that day, but did not enter the building and has not been charged.

“We really felt a strong pull, I suppose we were there for President Donald Trump — but it was more than that. I felt the call of God to bring us there. When we went there, it wasn’t for any purpose but to stand for what is right, what is good, what is holy, and what is true. That’s why we were there,” she told the Gateway Pundit. “We were there to stand against what we still believe was a debacle in November 2020. We were there to voice our First Amendment right to stand and say ‘no.’”

The mother also described meeting Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and believing that there was something “off” about a man that was standing with him. She described him wearing a mask and having his ears covered — and said that she thought at the time that he seemed like he was not there for the right reasons.

“He seemed out of place. The thought went into my mind, ‘I don’t think he’s with us.’ Was he an FBI agent? I don’t know, but he seemed like he was doing everything in his power to not be recognized,” she explained.

Initially, the FBI reached out to the Westburys in February to “talk and ask Jonah Westbury some questions regarding January 6th.” 

The Westburys have said that they knew of the ongoing political battle over the protest, so they decided to obtain an attorney to speak on their behalf to the FBI. Once they hired an attorney, the FBI stopped reaching out and went “radio silent.” They also refused to accept calls or messages from the family or their legal team.

On April 10, the FBI executed a no-knock raid on Jonah, who was renting an apartment attached to the family home — but with it’s own separate entrance. The agents entered the home at 6:30 a.m. using a battering ram to break through the door “and began to clear the house in a close quarter combat style,” according to his mother.

The agents did not only enter the apartment, however. They went room by room throughout the main house, kicking in each door and sticking rifles in the faces of the family as they laid in bed in terror. They did this despite knowing from their conversation in February that he lived in his own separate rental unit on the property.

**  Those who wish to contribute to the family’s legal battle can do so here.

Rosemarie explained that the agents handcuffed and shackled each member of the family and dragged them outside, barefoot and not fully dressed, during the harsh Minnesota winter.

Jonah was put in handcuffs and shackles and brought to Minneapolis. He was released later the same day.

Several months later, on October 4, the family was once again subjected to a no-knock raid at 6 a.m., this time to arrest the teenage son Isaac, who is prone to random seizures. He was hospitalized and on a ventilator during their first raid in April.

Rosemarie explained that they were “awakened by over twenty-five FBI agents, their armored vehicle equipped with a battering ram, as well as a SWAT team.”

“Using a bull horn and sirens they began shouting orders to the residents of the home, so all of the surrounding neighbors were awakened by this gross over-reach. The FBI also began to intimidate the neighbors as they were opening their doors to see what was going on, and to depart for work,” she explained in a fundraiser for their legal defense. “The FBI intimidated the neighbors by shining spotlights and yelling at them over the bullhorn and brandishing fully automatic military assault rifles. They screamed at the neighbors to GET BACK IN YOUR HOUSE.”

Rosemarie said that all residents of the home were met with floodlights shining in their faces and red dots on their chests from the rifles as they exited the home.

The agents seized all electronic devices and later demanded that the family get rid of all firearms, ammunition, knives, compound hunting bows, and antique replica firearms. Many of the electronics belonged to Rosemarie, who has not been charged. They still have not been returned.

“A few hours later, in their final act to humiliate and dehumanize these men, the FBI released the James/Westbury men onto the streets of Minneapolis with no phones, no phone call, barefoot and in their pajamas. They were told to return to their home,” the fundraiser’s description states.

The FBI charged Isaac Westbury with the catch-all charge of  “Civil Disorder,” Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon, Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, and the Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings, Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building.

The middle son, Jonah Westbury, age 26, must, in court, now fight the FBI’s charges of Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building and Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building and Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Capitol Building and Grounds, and Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building.

Similarly, the oldest son, Aaron James is facing charges of Civil Disorder, Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon, Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings, Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building. 

The allegations and charges against James are particularly troublesome because he is a U.S. Navy Veteran who served three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and one tour with the joint operations command SEAL Team 5 counter terrorism operations in the Philippines.

James was outside the Capitol building attempting to help a citizen who was on the ground and unable to breathe after being sprayed with mace by officers, causing him to go into respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

James, who was trained as a Fleet Marine Force corpsman combat medic maintains that he was attempting to get to the man to perform CPR and render first aid before he himself was also pepper sprayed.

Finally, Robert Westbury, the father who was seen on video praying at the Capitol building demonstrations, was arrested by the FBI and charged with Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building.

“Imagine seeing your family in shackles. We don’t have any criminal background, we pay our bills, we try to be upright citizens and do what’s right. We’re good to our neighbors,” Rosemarie said through tears. “What’s happening to us is coming to a theater near you. Be prepared. We have to be strong. I feel like we are standing on the front line.”

State Sen. Mark Koran has expressed support for the Westburys, describing them as a “good family” and urging people to contribute to their legal fund.

The Westbury men are being represented by John Pierce of John Pierce Law, who is representing over 20 January 6 protesters, the family of Jake Gardner, a Marine combat veteran who tragically took  his own life after being wrongfully charged following a self-defense shooting during a Black Lives Matter riot, and Amanda Ensing, a Latina beauty influencer who was defamed and “cancelled” by Sephora for conservative social media posts. 

Pierce also recently launched the National Constitutional Law Union Inc. (NCLU) to preserve and protect the United States Constitution and the American way of life “by providing legal support and funding to individuals whose Constitutional rights, civil liberties and similar rights are being violated or in jeopardy.”

Those who wish to contribute to the family’s legal battle can do so here.

The post Minnesota Woman Fights for Freedom of Her Husband and Three Sons After Being Raided Over Jan. 6 Protest appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

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