Wednesday, December 21, 2022

AWESOME! Michelle Bolsonaro Leads Patriots in Prayer – “Camouflage Santa Coming for Christmas”

Michelle Bolsonaro moved to tears praying with Brazilian patriots

President Bolsonaro and beautiful First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro led prayers with their supporters outside the presidential palace in Brasilía Tuesday. Speaking to protestors, one General seemed to promise a military intervention over Christmas. Brazil observer Matt Tyrmand said the Brazilian Miltary “are going to war … hopefully in the next 48 hours.”

President Bolsonaro appeared outside the Alvorada Palace in Brasilía on Tuesday with his wife Michelle for the Lowering of the Flag.

In a moving scene, beautiful First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro fell to her knees to pray the Lord’s Prayer with the protestors, wearing a T-shirt that read “Jesus”.

Together with their supporters, they held a minute of silence and prayed for our Lord to help save Brazil from the communists and cartels.

The corrupt Supreme Court wants to have the First Lady arrested for serving lunch to supporters (Gateway reported).

At the presentation of the certificates of election to the national delegates and Senators, the crowd gave Michelle Bolsonaro a standing ovation.

The crowd erupted in chants of “Lula, You Thief, You Belong in Prison!”

Deputy and General Girão Monteiro spoke to the protestors outside Army HQ in Natal, saying that “This week the Christmas Holiday start. I hope you have all been good… Be sure to hang a stocking on the mantlepiece for Santa Claus, and believe in him… Saint Nick can even wear camouflage sometimes”, Bolsonaro ally Monteiro said.

“Stand firm, you are patriots. You are protesting peacefully just as the Constitution says,” Gen. Monteiro said. “I pray to the Lord to give each and every one of you strength, because your strength made me believe I must carry on with my mission even more than before.”

Videos continue to show the Army mobilizing:


A group of lawyers has filed charges with the Attorney General to investigate Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes, for acting on behalf of President-Select Lula da Silva.

Def Leppard’s “We’re not gonna take it” – BRAZILIAN VERSION:

Speaking to Steve Bannon at AmericaFest, Brazil Observer Matthew Tyrmand said that “They are going to war. Last night a source told me that the Supreme Court of the military (issued ) an ultimatum to the Electoral Court and said, ‘You give us the (voting) machines by midnight last night’, and (the Electoral Court) ignored it. This gives them (the Military) the pretext to act this week and invoke Article 142” of the Brazilian Constitution, which empowers the Military to intervene in cases of conflict between branches of government.

Tyrmand described the largest pro-democracy protests in history going on in Brazil as “a prayerful movement, a Christian evangelical and Catholic movement.”

At 4 am Monday, the Federal Police which report to Chief Justice Moraes arrested Pastor Fabiano, one of the leaders of the protest movement. “He was asleep in his tent,” Tyrmand noted (Gateway reported). “They dragged him out of the tent and arrested him. The other protestors go video of 12 police cars, sirens blazing, as they took him to jail. This is Stalinism, this is Venezuela.”

If the pro-election integrity protestors do not win, “the Southern hemisphere is gone. China controls it. And they’re coming for us next. They’ve got to win,” Tyrmand said.

“Starting next week, after they invoke Article 142, global media are going to wake up and call this a coup. This is the quelling of a coup. Hopefully coming in the next 48 hours.”

The post AWESOME! Michelle Bolsonaro Leads Patriots in Prayer – “Camouflage Santa Coming for Christmas” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

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