Thursday, December 22, 2022

Let’s Go Brandon: Cultural Marxist Biden Regime Targets Texas School District for Removing Sexually Explicit LGBTQ Books

Joe Biden and his regime have pushed culture war on America since Day One and tyrannized those who dare stand in their way.  They now have their sights set on Granbury, a small city in Texas.

The Texas Tribune reported Tuesday that the U.S. Department of Education launched an investigation into Granbury Independent School District because a superintendent ordered the removal of certain LGBTQ books in school libraries. This probe comes in the wake of the communist American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filing a complaint accusing the school district of discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

Granbury superintendent Jeremy Glenn told librarians in a January meeting to remove LGBTQ books with adult-oriented themes. He later clarified his policy was based on ensuring age-appropriate material for kids, not bigotry toward transgender individuals.

From The Texas Tribune:

“I acknowledge that there are men that think they’re women and there are women that think they’re men,” Glenn told librarians in January, according to a leaked recording of the meeting obtained, verified, and published exclusively by the news outlets. “I don’t have any issues with what people want to believe, but there’s no place for it in our libraries.”

Later in the meeting, Glenn clarified that he was specifically focused on removing books geared toward queer students: “It’s the transgender, LGBTQ and the sex — sexuality — in books,” he said, according to the recording.

The policy Glenn articulates is basic common sense. Adult-themed books, LGBTQ or otherwise, have no place in school libraries. Safeguarding children from harm should always be the priority for schools along with educating the next generation.

Some of the books the Regime wants available to kids qualify as gay porn. Please view this video of a mom reading excerpts of a few books Fairfax Country Public Schools has made available to their students:

This does not matter to the Regime, however. Biden and his fellow travelers are all in on shoving radical gender identity policies down America’s throat.

Back in July, Biden signed an executive order promoting puberty blockers and sex reassignment surgeries for underage children. Biden back in October also called efforts to curb these so-called gender affirming treatments “outrageous” and “immoral.”

No member of the Regime has done more to push these dangerous experiments on children than U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, however. Levine, a biological male born as Richard Levine, has made transgenderism in minors his top mission in life.

Granbury is only the beginning. Count on the Regime bullying more school districts who dare stand up and defend children against the cultural Marxism metastasizing across society.

The counterattack against the coming assault lies with strength in numbers. Governor Ron DeSantis started the pushback by helping elect numerous conservative school board members across Florida. These new members will thwart leftist policies related to transgenderism, critical race theory and more.

One state, however, cannot accomplish this alone. Every Republican-run state must follow in DeSantis’s footsteps so the Regime can only play Whack-A-Mole. Much easier to pick on one state instead of 25, for example.

State and local governments also need to exercise defiance against corrupt judicial rulings. Do not automatically comply with unconstitutional decrees from the bench.

Instead, appeal the ruling and carry on protecting the children. What will the Regime and its black-robed tyrants do in response? Arrest thousands of school board members across America? Good luck with that unless they want a revolution.

Victory over cultural Marxist tyranny remains possible despite the considerable ground lost. But this will take more conservatives exercising courage and willing to put in the arduous work necessary.

The post Let’s Go Brandon: Cultural Marxist Biden Regime Targets Texas School District for Removing Sexually Explicit LGBTQ Books appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

from The Gateway Pundit

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