Guest post by Jeff Rainforth
A cancer diagnosis on my birthday (June 2, the same day we finished the border wall in 2019) set me back a bit when I was writing this story, but all the tests and scans are done, so here I am finishing it up.
It’s the fourth anniversary of the construction of our (We Build the Wall’s) historic border wall, which was made possible by the American people.
Triple-amputee veteran war hero Brian Kolfage founded We Build the Wall, and Steve Bannon was brought in to consult on the project. I was the videographer/photographer, and news editor. I along with Foreman Mike were the only two from WBTW present for the construction of the ultra-secret project in order to keep it from leaking to the public, news media, or people who wanted to stop us.

I visited the wall late last year as part of my 3-state border tour. It’s still as solid as the day we finished it. Throughout this article you will find photo slideshows with pictures I took of the construction of the wall and from after along with videos.

We had donated to a second historic border wall project done by the construction company we had contracted (Fisher Industries), and we were about to begin on a third wall when leftist-globalist stormtroopers moved in to stop us before we gained major momentum and sealed the border through private means.
I took the below photo of the second border wall in Mission, TX, with a drone.

The globalists had to shut us down because they can’t have the people being in control.
The globalist powers that be want all control, and the enslavement of freedom-loving Americans whose families built the most powerful and freest nation in the history of the world.
The globalists want to import people they can easily control by giving them free things, thus, they believe, those people will in turn vote for their political candidates so the “free stuff” keeps coming, and their elected officials will be able to continue to dismantle the freedoms Americans enjoy under the Constitution, especially the freedoms guaranteed in the 1st and 2nd Amendments which guarantee free speech and firearms rights in order that we have the ability to successfully resist and overcome despots and tyrannical rulers who get elected… by promising free things.
That said, the globalists did shut us down, but we may be coming back.
When I was 19, I escaped a hardcore gang that was supplied by Mexican drug cartels with the ingredients to manufacture the deadly drug methamphetamine in mass quantities.
The gang I escaped from controlled the meth trade in California where I grew up. I also escaped a hardcore addiction to the drug at the same time and never went back. I became an addict at 16 when I was introduced to the drug in high school and I almost bled to death from an overdose the same year.
The gang poisoned me with strychnine and possibly battery acid as I was trying to get out, and later, a top member attempted to set me up for a shooting. Members of the gang also killed two young women for going to the police in my hometown…
…If We Build the Wall comes back in any way beyond the research and scouting phase, there will be costs. It can be restarted easily, but if it progresses to the point where we actually start building border barriers again, there will be a lot to discuss and decide on. The donors must always be informed and have the last say as to where the funding goes.
There will be costs if building commences. There’s legal (yeah, the leftists (and feds) are going to sue so defense will be necessary), scouting trips, research, insurance, travel, contractors to build, etc. I saw it all when WBTW was formed and went into action.
Initially, though, it’s the research into whether it’s feasible that’s necessary.
I talk to the few people from WBTW who weren’t nabbed by the leftist feds almost daily. Some have moved on to non-political jobs and run huge projects. Others are still very much in the fight publicly.
If We Build the Wall comes back, it will be under 100% new management. Airman Kolfage told me he and none of the other top leaders could be involved because of what the leftist feds did. He also said it would be a bad look if they did get involved, which, understandably, it would be.
So here we are. Should we restart WBTW and REALLY get down to business?
Check out Jeff to see dozens of photos from the highly successful We Build the Wall project.
The post Four Years Ago We Built A Private Border Wall – We MAY Be Coming Back appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
from The Gateway Pundit
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